Monday, July 20, 2009

Geton, Getoff & Getout... that's why they call it the Geto...

i used to hate driving throught he geto and havin' some slow geto urchin cross the street in front of me.
half the time they don't even look at you.
they just cross, walkin' all slow and not lookin' at traffic or nothin'.
well, now, i love to slow down.
it reminds me to be loving.
to see a black person in the street, i stop. or i slow way down. more than i need to. i just want to let them know how much i treasure them. how much i love them, it's like would you try to run down a peacock with his plummage fully extended?
a black person is at least as beatiful as a peacock, and been through a whole lot more shit too.

Don’t miss!

"Getomeo & Getuliette
Star cross’ted lovers"

"Geton, Getoff & Getout..
That’s why they call it the Geto."

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