Thursday, November 26, 2009

Alternative Cancer Treatment & Four Herb Tea

A friend of mine just lost his father due to complications arising from chemotherapy. He had cancer that was inoperable and opted for chemo. He became sick and died. I called my father to ask about holiday recipe's but then told him that my friend, who has the same name as my father, had recently passed. I asked my father what he would do if he had cancer, and he stated he would never do chemotherapy. he would take a naturopathic route. he then turned me onto a website called "herbal healer academy". he said that anyone who has cancer should check it out, "so they know their options." and at the very least, "they will be very encouraged." he also told me to look at, "the four herb tea"

I looked up the 4 herb tea, and so far, it looks good. the ingredients are all ingredients that i've heard about as having curative properties.

In honor of my friends' fallen father, today's blog is for all of those who are at the crossroads of cancer, and are afraid, and not sure of what to do, and would appreciate hearing some other options that are perhaps less toxic. alternative routes of healing, can at times be more natural and perhaps can improve the quality of their life, help change their lifestyle and perhaps help to heal and to cure.

Rene Caisse and her Herbal Cancer Treatment, Essiac

By Lanny Messinger --

On a fateful day in 1922 Canadian nurse Rene Caisse happened to notice some scar tissue on the breast of an elderly woman. The woman said that doctors had diagnosed her with breast cancer years before. However, the woman didn't want to risk surgery nor did she have the money for it.

As luck would have it, she had met an old Indian medicine man who told her that he could cure her cancer with an herbal tea. The woman took the medicine man's advice, and consequently she was still alive nearly thirty years later to pass on this herbal remedy to Nurse Caisse.

About a year later, Rene Caisse was walking beside a retired doctor who pointed to a common weed and stated: "Nurse Caisse, if people would use this weed there would be little cancer in the world." Rene later stated: "He told me the name of the plant. It was one of the herbs my patient named as an ingredient of the Indian medicine man's tea!" The "weed" was sheep sorrel.

In 1924 she decided to test the tea on her aunt who had cancer of the stomach and was given about six months to live. Her aunt lived for another 21 years, cancer free.

Rene Caisse (pronounced "Reen Case") later gave the tea to her 72-year old mother who was diagnosed with inoperable cancer of the liver, with only days to live. Her mother recovered and lived without cancer for another 18 years.

In the ensuing years Nurse Caisse refined and perfected the original "medicine man's" formula. She tested various herbal combinations on laboratory mice and on human cancer patients. She eventually reduced the tea to four herbs: burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm and turkey rhubarb. She called the formula Essiac, which is her surname spelled backwards.
Rene Caisse devoted over fifty years of her life to treating thousands of cancer patients with Essiac. So effective were her free treatments that in 1938 her supporters gathered 55,000 signatures for a petition to present to the Ontario legislature to "authorise Rene Caisse to practice medicine in the Province of Ontario in the treatment of cancer and conditions therein". Unfortunately, due to the machinations of the Canadian Medical Association, the bill failed to pass by just three votes.


Rene Caisse operated her cancer clinic under the supervision and observation of a number of doctors. Based on what those doctors saw with their own eyes, eight of them signed a petition to the Department of National Health and Welfare at Ottawa, asking that Nurse Caisse be given facilities to do independent research on her discovery. Their petition, dated at Toronto on October 27, 1926, read as follows:
To Whom It May Concern:
"We the undersigned believe that the 'Treatment for Cancer' given by Nurse R.M. Caisse can do no harm and that it relieves pain, will reduce the enlargement and will prolong life in hopeless cases. To the best of our knowledge, she has not been given a case to treat until everything in medical and surgical science has been tried without effect and even then she was able to show remarkable beneficial results on those cases at that late stage.
"We would be interested to see her given an opportunity to prove her work in a large way. To the best of our knowledge she has treated all cases free of any charge and has been carrying on this work over the period of the past two years."
Initially, Rene was not aware of the control that the medical/pharmaceutical establishment had over governments. After the petition was delivered to the National Health and Welfare Department, she was continually threatened with arrest until she finally withdrew from public view. Unlike Nurse Caisse, the medical establishment was more interested in making money than in helping people. Essiac was cheap. It could cut into the lucrative profits from radiation, chemotherapy and surgery--treatments that often did more harm than good. Essiac is non-toxic. Rene said, "Chemotherapy should be a criminal offense."

The story of Rene Caisse's struggle to make Essiac an official cancer treatment was told by Dr. Gary Glum in his book CALLING OF AN ANGEL: ESSIAC, NATURE'S CURE FOR CANCER. In a telephone conversation Dr. Glum stated that people who take Essiac on a regular, preventive basis do not get cancer. Dr. Glum interviewed JFK's personal physician, Dr. Charles Brusch, who stated: "I know Essiac has curing potential. It can lessen the condition of the individual, control it, and it can cure it."

Dr. Ralph Moss was appointed to the Cancer Advisory Panel that evaluates alternative cancer therapies for the government. On his web site and in his book CANCER THERAPY, Dr. Moss points out that each of the herbs in Essiac has been scientifically shown to contain anticancer substances. In his "Cancer Chronicles" [], Dr. Moss notes Essiac's rising popularity by comparing Essiac's low cost to a $150,000 bone marrow transplant.


Dr.Frederick Banting, the co-discoverer of insulin became interested in Essiac and even offered Nurse Caisse research facilities to test it. According to Rene, Dr. Banting stated that "Essiac must actuate the pancreatic gland into normal functioning". Even today diabetics are using Essiac to improve their condition and many have gone off insulin entirely.

Essiac has become widely known for its remarkable ability to boost the immune system and detoxify the body. Many people who drink Essiac tea regularly report feeling healthier with less incidence of colds and flu. Burdock, for example, has a well-established reputation for detoxification and support of the liver and organs of elimination.

(Arctium lappa)

For centuries burdock root has been regarded as an effective blood purifier that neutralizes and eliminates poisons from the body. Burdock contains a volatile oil--especially in the seeds--that is eliminated through the sweat glands, taking toxins with it and alleviating skin problems. Burdock contains niacin, which is known to eliminate poisons from the body, including radiation. Burdock also supports the bladder, kidney and liver and has been said to dissolve kidney stones. It also contains an abundance of minerals, particularly iron. Studies have shown anti-tumor activity in burdock. Japanese scientists have isolated an anti-mutation property in burdock, which they call the "B factor". The Japanese grow burdock root for food as well as medicine. A memorandum from the World Health Organization revealed that burdock was active against HIV.

(Rumex acetosella)

Rene Caisse isolated sheep sorrel as the main Essiac herb that caused regression of metastasized cancer and reduction of tumors. She used the whole herb including the roots. Dr. Ralph Moss points out that sheep sorrel contains aloe emodin, a natural substance that shows significant anti-leukemic activity. Sheep sorrel contains antioxidants, is diuretic and has been used to check hemorrhages. It has also been used for food.

(Ulmus rubra/fulva)

The inner bark of the slippery elm tree is well-known for its soothing and healing properties. It reduces inflammations such as sore throat, diarrhea and urinary problems. It has been regarded as both a food and medicine. Dr. Moss noted that "slippery elm contains beta-sitosterol and a polysaccharide, both of which have shown [anti-cancer] activity.

(Rheum palmatum)

Turkey Rhubarb has been shown to have anti-tumor activity. It is diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and has been used extensively to relieve constipation. It is medicinally more potent than garden rhubarb root and is more palatable.


Due to the ever-increasing popularity of Essiac, numerous entrepreneurs have jumped on the Essiac bandwagon with their own four, six, or eight-herb products. Unfortunately, Rene never published the formula and it appears that she experimented with different herbal combinations. Therefore, it is understandable that there would be controversies over who has the correct formula or the best product. Curiously, Essiac didn't become a trademark name until several years after Dr. Glum published the Essiac recipe. Yellow dock or garden sorrel is sometimes substituted for sheep sorrel. Imported turkey rhubarb may be irradiated, fumigated or both. So how do you know if you are buying the real, unaltered Essiac?

I often receive emails from people who report being confused about Essiac tea after visiting various web sites with conflicting information. This wealth of misinformation that has obfuscated the Essiac formula has compelled me to help clarify the issues with documented evidence. Unfortunately, Rene is not alive today to remind people that it's all about "helping suffering humanity", not money. As Rene stated in "I Was Canada's Cancer Nurse", "respect and love of our fellow man are more important than riches." Sheila Snow, author of ESSIAC ESSENTIALS, knew Rene Caisse personally and fortunately has obtained a great deal of documentation to dispel much of the confusion about Essiac tea.

Essiac is truly a multi-cultural phenomenon. So here are the plain, non-commercial facts:
1) Essiac marketers often claim that Essiac is an Ojibway Indian formula. Unfortunately, there is no evidence to substantiate this common belief. In "I Was Canada's Cancer Nurse" Rene Caisse referred only to "a very old Indian medicine man" without naming any specific tribe. Sheila Snow has researched this issue and found that the "old Indian medicine man" could have been a member of the "Algonquin, Cree, Cherokee, Huron, Iroquois or Ojibwe" tribes living in northern Ontario in the late 1800s.
2) Turkey rhubarb (rheum palmatum) is native to China and Tibet, not northern Ontario, so it appears unlikely that it was a part of the original medicine man's formula of indigenous herbs in the late 1800s. Even today turkey rhubarb has still not established itself as a wild herb of North America. "The [turkey] rhubarb rhizome official in the British Pharmacopoeia, 1914, must be collected in China and Thibet. English-grown rhubarb is inferior to the official rhubarb in medicinal qualities."* Even the 1931 edition of A MODERN HERBAL reports that "We still depend upon Northern China and Thibet for Rhubarb."* It appears then that turkey rhubarb was an Asian-sourced modification made by Rene Caisse in her efforts to refine the formula.
Since the modern North American diet of over-processed foods can cause chronic constipation which can promote cancer, Rene Caisse's decision to include turkey rhubarb in the formula appears to have been a wise one. One of the first benefits that I noticed when I first began drinking Essiac tea was that my bowel movements normalized. After drinking Essiac tea for four years, I embarked on a thorough colon cleanse and discovered that my colon was already clean from daily use of Essiac tea. Several well-known American herbalists believe that 80 to 95 percent of all illnesses are due to unclean colons. Turkey rhubarb is now being grown commercially in North America, and that may very well be due to the ever-increasing popularity of Essiac tea.
3) Burdock and sheep sorrel are not native to North America. It appears that both burdock and sheep sorrel were brought to this continent from Europe by early settlers who then passed on their knowledge of these two herbs to the local tribes. Since both burdock and sheep sorrel are somewhat invasive herbs, they eventually spread throughout North America. Unfortunately, they are often referred to as "weeds".
4) Slippery elm is the only Essiac herb native to North America.

In spite of the numerous, conflicting claims as to what the original Indian medicine man's formula was, no one has yet offered any verifiable evidence to settle that issue. Some claim it was a four-herb formula while others claim it was an eight-herb or six-herb formula. Many of these claims state that turkey rhubarb was one of the original herbs. Rene Caisse did experiment with a number of herbs and changed the formula through time. She finally settled on her four-herb formula. Since this four-herb formula was demonstrated by Rene Caisse and untold cancer patients to be an effective, health-giving remedy that has stood the test of time, the debate over what the original formula was may very well be a moot point.

The only person Rene Caisse trusted to help her make Essiac tea was her best friend, Mary McPherson. Mary had worked alongside Rene since the 1930s and knew the formula by heart. However, Mary had made a deathbed promise to Rene never to reveal the formula to anyone. Mary would have taken the Essiac formula to her grave, too, had it not been for Dr. Gary Glum. He purchased the formula for $120,000 from one of Rene's former patients. Dr. Glum could have kept the formula secret and become very wealthy selling bottles of Essiac. However, he unselfishly released the formula into the public domain in 1988. At first he offered the formula on a video tape that he advertised in his book, CALLING OF AN ANGEL, but the feds unlawfully seized the tapes before he could sell very many of them. He then gave out the formula and recipe free of charge to anyone who mailed him a request for the Essiac formula.

When Dr. Glum met Mary McPherson in Bracebridge, Ontario and told her what the Essiac formula was, she was more than a little surprised. According to Dr. Glum, Mary eventually revealed the formula in 1994 because it was no longer a secret, and she wanted to end the controversy over the Essiac formula before she died.

In "I Was Canada's Canada Nurse" Rene Caisse stated one reason why she wanted to keep the formula secret: "I wanted to establish my remedy, which I called ESSIAC or my name spelled backward, in actual practice and not in a laboratory only. I knew it had no bad side affects, so it could do no harm. I wanted to use it on patients in my own way. And when the time came, I wanted to share in the administration of my own discovery."

Another reason why Rene kept the Essiac formula secret was that she didn't trust people to make it properly and she thought that it would be altered. She was right. For example, in the 1980s, Canadian talk show host Elaine Alexander marketed her own altered version of the formula containing eight herbs, which she called "FLOR ESSENCE" [TM]. She subsequently died of cancer. Even today a common misconception still exists that Elaine Alexander's formula is Rene Caisse's authentic Essiac formula.

Every herbal formula has its own synergy and therefore creates a specific effect. Rene Caisse spent her life refining the formula with her hands-on research. No one else has done such extensive research on Essiac tea. Essiac works--Why change it by adding more herbs that may diminish its healing properties?


The following formula and recipe for Essiac (in italics) is a word-for-word transcription of the Essiac formula from the affidavit which Mary McPherson filed with the Town of Bracebridge. The formula below is also the one which Dr. Gary Glum released to the public in 1988 when he published CALLING OF AN ANGEL: ESSIAC, NATURE'S CURE FOR CANCER. Mary McPherson’s affidavit can be viewed at


6 ½ cups of burdock root (cut) (upper left)
1 pound of sheep sorrel herb powdered (upper right)
1/4 pound of slippery elm bark powdered (lower left)
1 ounce of Turkish rhubarb root powdered (lower right)

Mix these ingredients thoroughly and store in glass jar in dark dry cupboard.
Take a measuring cup, use 1 ounce of herb mixture to 32 ounces of water depending on the amount you want to make.
I use 1 cup of mixture to 8 x 32 = 256 ounces of water. Boil hard for 10 minutes (covered) then turn off heat but leave sitting on warm plate over night (covered).
In the morning heat steaming hot and let settle a few minutes, then strain through fine strainer into hot sterilized bottles and sit to cool. Store in dark cool cupboard. Must be refrigerated when opened. When near the last when its thick pour in a large jar and sit in frig overnight then pour off all you [can] without sediment.
This recipe must be followed exactly as written.
I use a granite preserving kettle (10 – 12 qts), 8 ounce measuring cup, small funnel and fine strainer to fill bottles.


The preparation of Essiac is as important as the formula itself. Essiac is a decoction, not an infusion. An infusion is what people make when they put a tea bag in a cup of hot water. Generally speaking, an infusion tends to extract vitamins and volatile oils. A decoction is used to extract minerals, bitter components, etc. from hard materials such as roots, bark or seeds by boiling for a few minutes and then allowing the herbs to steep for several hours. Entrepreneurs often sell Essiac imitations in tincture form (herbs in alcohol) or in gelatin capsules; neither form is Essiac because Essiac is a tea and, more specifically, a decoction that must be made in a certain way in order to be effective.

People often substitute stainless steel for an enameled pot and lid. The main concern is not to use an aluminum pot. Also, be sure not to use chlorinated water. The formula above can be reduced to 1/2 cup of herb mix to one gallon of water. [Optional: Dr. Glum suggests adding 2 or 3 cups of extra water to replace water lost through evaporation during boiling. Also, the dry herbs will absorb water as well.] After boiling for ten minutes, let the tea steep about 12 hours. Then heat up tea to steaming, but not boiling. (Do not boil twice.) The remaining pulp can be used for healing poultices.

Don't use cheese cloth to strain Essiac. Likewise, do not use a kitchen sieve that has a very fine mesh as this may filter out the slippery elm. Slippery elm gives the tea a slight viscous [syrup-like] consistency when poured. If you do not notice this consistency after refrigerating your tea, you may be using a sieve that is too fine. Don't worry about herb particles in your Essiac; they will settle to the bottom of the jars. Some people drink the Essiac dregs, others don't. Some people give the Essiac dregs to their pets or farm animals. Many people have reported the same or similar health benefits with their pets that humans are reporting.

I have found from experience that it is best to refrigerate the Essiac tea as soon as it has cooled. Discard the tea if mold appears on the surface or if the tea does not taste right.

For preventive purposes, people often take about 2 oz. (1/4 cup) per day once or twice a day diluted with about 1/2 cup hot water. Herbalists recommend increasing daily water intake due to diuretic and detoxifying action; it takes lots of water to detoxify. People who are using Essiac to treat an illness or to eliminate toxins, sometimes take Essiac three or four times a day, depending on the situation. [Note: Rene Caisse recommended one ounce of Essiac, once or twice each day, but it is not certain how concentrated she was making the tea when she made that recommendation. She was using Essiac primarily to treat cancer. Today many people use Essiac to detoxify their bodies as well. We are exposed to a great deal more toxins in our environment and food today than when Rene operated her clinic in the 30s & 40s, so perhaps the increase in today's dosages may be well justified.] Essiac has a well-earned reputation for being non-toxic and people often take 2 ounces (1/4 cup) of Essiac taken three times each day. Do not eat or drink anything (except water) one hour before to one hour after taking Essiac. Rene Caisse recommended that Essiac tea be taken at bedtime, but it can be taken any time of day. Some people don't like to take any liquids before bedtime because it makes them have to urinate during the night, thus interrupting a good night's sleep.

Make sure that the sheep sorrel you use is the small, wild variety of sheep sorrel and not a substitute like yellow dock or garden (French) sorrel. According to letters written by Rene Caisse to Dr. Chester Stock of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center it is necessary to include sheep sorrel roots in the formula. Burdock root is harvested in the fall of the first year. Slippery elm bark is wildcrafted and organically grown in North America and is easy to buy. Turkey Rhubarb is the only herb in Essiac that cannot be wildcrafted in North America. The Chinese use six year old turkey rhubarb roots for maximum potency. However, imported turkey rhubarb root could be fumigated or irradiated. Organically grown turkey rhubarb is readily available in the US. For more information and documentation about Essiac tea visit

*Quotes are from A MODERN HERBAL, first published by Jonathan Cape, 1931

Monday, November 23, 2009

So many stories II

The Green man
Out in the woods to party, eat mushrooms. It starts out very safe, very fun, playful, joyful, wonderful, non-scary. As they are in the cabin, then there starts to be strange sounds, they find an alien-like creature dead in the river (that one photo of the e.t. like creature with the tongue hanging out of his mouth.
They are in the cabin and then one guy pulls back the blinds quickly and that face is up next to the glass, green, bizarre, unflinching, unmoving. The girls scream. They all freak out. Finally someone pulls the blinds back over his face sot hey don’t have to see. He’s still there after a number of minutes. One in their party is not scared. He insist that the person is not evil. “if he wanted to do something, he’d do it.”
He goes out, and the blinds are open, and the creature goes towards where he goes out, you can hear him talking to him, and then they’re screaming for him not to go, not to do it. But he does and then he walks off with the guy.

They don’t see him.

The next night, one guy hears something so he reaches over to the light switch, and he turns on the light and that face is sitting directly under the light looking at him. He runs to the other side of the bed, and he stands. Then he looks down under the bed to see the man, and he sees another one under the bed. He goes to open the door and there’s one at the door. They just stand there.

Slowly they acclimate.

a study in fear, the unknown, a new experience, understanding, compassion, the ability to overcome ones fears and seize opportunity. almost as if they get to a point that they realize what a special moment this is, and they have the ability to look at it in a historical sense, in that once the incident "ends" if ever, they will toss it about for ages, so it empowers them to ask and to know the answers to all the questions they would like to know in the future to make sense of it. as if they realize that if they cower in fear, they'll be tortured. they must make a positive sense of this and make it something that is shared to be able to integrate it into their lives.

The Game

Black team vs. White team, basketball.
One of the most amazing cheerleaders, fans, colors, teams.
Introductions, songs cheers, beautiful cheerleaders, great rivalry, parents and alumni.
Electricity in the air. Hot dogs, popcorn, cotton candy, candy bars, etc, school fundraisers, pta mother types.

The white team, “faking it” by simon and garfunkle is their introduction song/cheer. The drumming at the beginning of the song and end of the song are the black teams songs. Missy elliot with slick rick.

The game is incredible. Kids making incredible shots, incredible plays, impossible jumpers, back and forth, steals, fouls, injuries, funny stuff, arguments, comraderie, dunks, blocks, twisting/turning layups, overtime, double-overtime. Last second shots, back and forth, fearlessness from both sides, great halftime show, loose balls, huddles, speeches, layup drills, bad calls, reversals, three pointers, news reporters, etc. corny nerdy kids, bands, etc, etc, etc. the fundraiser bake sale. popcorn. little brothers and sisters of the kids. parents conversing. people in the community know one another and their kids, grandparents have played other grandparents. the gym is in the private christian school, connected to a church. prayer before the game, a group prayer after.

The two sides combine for a halftime show involving both teams. Bitter rivals, that love each other and respect one another. Immaculate beautiful uniforms, cheerleaders. A black guy on one team is dating a white cheerleader. The white hunk star on the other team is dating a black cheerleader.

a study in difference, in the strength of two completely different, yet completely similar communities, that are supportive, cohesive, and non-hating. that love competition and the highest ideals of sportsmanship, fan behavior, performance, technical skills, parenting, coaching, excitement and the feeling that the world stops and that everyone in that gym is sharing something special.

Little Black House on the Mountain Plain

Authentic story of a black family in slavery. They purchase their freedom, takes years. They go on their own but end up in the west in Colorado. They pick a great place to make a cabin, a great field. However, they do not know that the place they picked, is on high elevation and when the winter comes, it’s hard, long, the snow is deep and they end up losing their baby, a 5 year old and another kid loses feet to frostbite. The father almost dies trying to get a deer to eat. He almost succumbs to hypothermia, but makes it back. After falling in a creek.
This will require research into slavery, purchase of freedom, stories of wild west survival. (Indians, buffalo, snow in, frostbite, hypothermia, losing kids in winter, etc, etc, etc.
In the end, they make it through the winter. A daughter, 14 falls in love with a boy. The father insists that she get married. “she aint gonna want nobody else if she wants your boy, and if he keeps hanging out with her, then he’s going to spoil her." Either rhe marries her, or he stays away. not much dialogue, mostly beautiul scenes, ala tak fujimoto. authenticism in everythign that is shown, from clothes, slavery, the wild, and the constant death that used to befall such people. not political, a study in conditions, personalities, realities and human survival.

Significant events in Hernan Cortez conquering of the Aztecs all aspects animated, except the emporer, cortez, malinche, narvaez and the boy-king of spain
• Many Spanish went to the new world in order to make a fortune and a name for themselves and then return to spain in great wealth
• The king of spain was the king of germany and france also. He had a condition which caused his mouth to appear open all the time. He was very young and traveled on the road from place to place administering and lording over issues/seeing patrons constantly
• The spain had just gotten from underneath the yoke of a 300 year Moorish conquering which left the country fractionated.
• An earlier expedition to the new world ended in disaster with the entire crew being massacred. They were essentially slaughtered and ambushed.
• From the first Spanish ship seen on the coast of mexico, the king of tenotchtitlan had heard of them within a day or so by runners.
• The Aztecs and the Spanish, (once under control of cortez) literally saw their men as extensions of themselves and (not as obvious) were also extensions of their personalities
• The Spanish never would have been successful if not for the alliances they built with the tlaxcalans and other native tribes who themselves were straining under the yoke of Aztec oppression and tribute, including those who would be sacrificed
• The Aztecs, having lorded in relative peace over their people, would stage mock battles, which rarely if ever ended in anyone beign seriously hurt or killed. Their strategy in battle was to capture and not to kill.
• Cannibalism was a long held practice. If someone were a great warrior, they would be rewarded with the thighs, and on down to various body parts to other warriors depending on the valiance of their efforts.
• The rich traditions and cultures of the Aztecs were lost. Featherworkers, scribes, their histories burned, treasures looted and melted down.
• Cortez was almost captured at least a dozen times. Only saved due to the Aztecs trying to capture rather than to kill him.
• The final siege of tenotchtitlan was a bloody battle fought daily. The Aztecs would break the causeway to sow the Spanish advance, and then the Spanish would have to come back the next day to fill in the causeway to fight again.
• At the time the Spanish captured the king, they could have easily have been defeated they were vastly outnumbered, but they captured the king, who was eventually killed. He had a very fatalistic view of the Spanish advance and was in deathly fear from the moment he had heard of the ship being off shore.
• Cortez had to leave tenotchntitlan to fight Narvaez. The man who selected cortez to lead the expedition, had changed his mind before cortez had even left, when he had seen the size of his force, and the amount of provisions he was securing. The lord did not want or trust cortez, so that’s why he sent Narvaez, who was captured and had an eye plucked out.
• From the outset of cortez seeing and seizing treasure from the Aztecs, he sent treasure back to spain and to his father so that he could have the funds to bribe and influence his way with the king and his emissaries to be named a potential lord of the Aztec lands (mexico).
• Almost all of this is known due to the many inquiries, personal narratives and interviews and investigations of the riches in the Americas and accusations that the money was stolen/misappropriated. The Florentine codez.
• The entire expedition was a continue unceasing bloodbath.
• The Spanish had interpreters. They first landed and captured a couple of natives and keeping them for a year, taught them Spanish. The Spanish had wives who had babies by them.
• The final siege of tenotchtitlan required boats be built to mount a naval battle.
• Many of the farms of the Aztecs were floating on flotillas which were docked, and food and plants were grown here.
• The gardens of tenotchtitland had nets where thousands of birds and plnts/flowers grew in private gardens.
• Cortez was plucked from relative obscurity. If it were not for cortez, it is doubtful that the Spanish would have been able to moutn such a successful attack for at least a large number of years. His cleverness, ruthlessness and cunning were unparalleled. In fact the model for pizzarro.

the story of the amazing personalities of cortez and the emperor. the straining yoke of aztec rule, the greed and manipulation of cortez, the relationships, how they perceive one another. like, when cortez comes into tenotchtitlan, they look as if alien creatures to the natives that have never seen armor, horses or white men, or beards or swords, etc. everyone but a few are animated, because they were all pawns but a few in a much larger story, controled by a large extent by the main characters. a little about the moorish occupation as a backdrop, and the history of europe up to that point, and the king of spain who was also the king of other areas.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I've been out to the woods a few times to Malissa's place. It's a real nice place. At first i didn't like it. Being from Seattle, and the lushness and beauty of old fragrant pine and fir trees, with undergrowth of deep, ankle deep composting needles and moss, mushrooms, slugs, ferns, etc. It was hard to be in the California back country. Some of the views are pretty, but compared to the northwest, they aren't beautiful.

Slowly, i've gotten used to scrubby, mid-california fauna. There just isn't the vegetative fecundity. Anyway, it was a great idea to go out to the woods for a weekend and take some mushrooms with some really good friends and feel free to go on walks while we're peaking. to converse, to be left alone or just to sit on the back deck and look at the pines swaying, all the way down the hill.

We got there around 3pm after getting up early to drive. it was even before the sunrise. Of course we had to stop for breakfast. waffles, pancakes, tarts, eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, homefries, bagels, lox, juice, coffee, omlettes, and we didn't really eat that much, but we just had to order it in the euphoria of american over-doneness.

The cabin was a welcome sight. the sun was still high in the sky. we had plenty of time to eat our mushrooms, peak, come down, and mellow before even twilight had set in. The amazing thing, was that the angle of the sun hanging over the pines was reflected on the ocean and made it look like billions of shimmering shards of glass, as if the ocean had hundreds of disco balls under the surface. and this was before we had even had our mushrooms.

So we got our shit and were bringing it into the house. I was finishing up a conversation with my good buddy as we walked in.

Out in the woods to party, eat mushrooms. It starts out very safe, very fun, playful, joyful, wonderful, non-scary. As they are in the cabin, then there starts to be strange sounds, they find an alien-like creature dead in the river (that one photo of the e.t. like creature with the tongue hanging out of his mouth.
They are in the cabin and then one guy pulls back the blinds quickly and that face is up next to the glass, green, bizarre, unflinching, unmoving. The girls scream. They all freak out. Finally someone pulls the blinds back over his face sot hey don’t have to see. He’s still there after a number of minutes. One in their party is not scared. He insist that the person is not evil. “if he wanted to do something, he’d do it.”
He goes out, and the blinds are open, and the creature goes towards where he goes out, you can hear him talking to him, and then they’re screaming for him not to go, not to do it. But he does and then he walks off with the guy.

They don’t see him.

The next night, one guy hears something so he reaches over to the light switch, and he turns on the light and that face is sitting directly under the light looking at him. He runs to the other side of the bed, and he stands. Then he looks down under the bed to see the man, and he sees another one under the bed. He goes to open the door and there’s one at the door. They just stand there.

Slowly they acclimate.

The Game

Black team vs. White team, basketball.
One of the most amazing cheerleaders, fans, colors, teams.
Introductions, songs cheers, beautiful cheerleaders, great rivalry, parents and alumni.
Electricity in the air. Hot dogs, popcorn, cotton candy, candy bars, etc, school fundraisers, pta mother types.

The white team, “faking it” by simon and garfunkle is their introduction song/cheer. The drumming at the beginning of the song and end of the song are the black teams songs. Missy elliot with slick rick.

The game is incredible. Kids making incredible shots, incredible plays, impossible jumpers, back and forth, steals, fouls, injuries, funny stuff, arguments, comraderie, dunks, blocks, twisting/turning layups, overtime, double-overtime. Last second shots, back and forth, fearlessness from both sides, great halftime show, loose balls, huddles, speeches, layup drills, bad calls, reversals, three pointers

mount si

my god, i just saw "meatballs" with bill murray. what a great flick.
not as good as ridgemont or porky's, but if you like bill murray... jeez, what a talent. i used to love when him and gilda radner were "Tad" and whats-her-name on SNL, so funny and touching at the same time.

photos from lake merritt yesterday morning

have you climbed mount si yet? a beautiful view of snoqualmie falls, and even seattle from the top. cougar mountain is cool too. such a great journey... and me and bishop ramrod climbed it once and went all the way up to the crows nest (where the real view is). he was a little ahead of me, and when i got to the top, i didn't see him. i was like, "whaaa..??" cause there's nowhere else to go!, i looked around and then i saw on the left side around the narrow edge of the mountain, about 20 yards, was daren, climbing/clinging to the side of the mountain along a rocky, steep trail, almost verticle, about 3 inches wide and with about a 400 foot drop off..
i was trying to be calm, and so i said "daren, what are you doing?" he said, "i'm following the trail" i said, "there is no trail." he plastered to the cliff face at this time, moving about 5 inches at a time, and he stopped, looked around and was like. "oh" then i was like, "can you make it back?" he was trying to move his body slightly to start heading back, but was in such a tight spot, he couldn't do it.
i couldn't watch. i told him. "i'm not going to watch, cause i want you to be able to do what you have to do without worrying about me." but really, i didn't see how the fuck he could make it back. at that point the impracticality of me running back down, getting help, help coming back up and rescuing him in like 5 hours, was wholly implausible. he was either going to die, or make it, and i didn't see how he was going to make it.
so, i'm sitting there, stressed beyond belief, and then about 5 minutes later, daren comes down from the sheer cliff face to the right. "how the fu** did he get up there?" he said he couldn't go left or right, but saw what looked like sturdy roots above. he grabbed them, started pulling himself up, and when all his weight was on the root, it started to pull out of the ground and he felt himself falling backward...
at this point, he says he essentially blacked out, and the next thing he knew, he was up on the ridge looking down. i swear to god, i've questioned him dozens of times and that's all he remembers.

so, on the way down, we were both in shock, because we knew that he had died that day, but somehow lived. we hardly talked, not wanting to break the spell, or something..

when we talk about it, i say, "remember the day you died on mount si?"

i didnt intend to tell you this story, but mount si reminded me. it's a great hike, only takes about 2 1/2 hours or so. nothing too strenuous, but overall, it'll kick your butt a bit.


also, the man with the green face that looks in the window

animated cortez conquest of the incas/aztec mezsheeka's

"He taught me how to walk my own way,
and every joy that he had, he gave."

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Reading Between the Lines: Kant, Falling Fertility, Schools, & (by proxy) The Societal/Economic Costs of Incarceration.

Immanuel Kant's "What is the Enlightenment?"
...A greater degree of civil freedom seems advantageous to a people's spiritual freedom; yet the former established impassable boundaries for the latter; conversely, a lesser degree of civil freedom provides enough room for all fully to expand their abilities. Thus, once nature has removed the hard shell from this kernel for which she has most fondly cared, namely, the inclination to and vocation for free thinking, the kernel gradually reacts on a people's mentality (whereby they become increasingly able to act freely), and it finally even influences the principles of government, which finds that it can profit by treating men, who are now more than machines, in accord with their dignity.
-Immanuel Kant

Synthesis by Le Fils de Fanon
such is the make up of the United States, the world's most highly perfected mix of freedoms and navicable oppressions which is ruther mitigated by the opportunities provided to the underclass (education, healthcare, etc) to join the middle and upper classes. the magic ticket, or the "lotto". The free thought promoted by Kant in his analysis of "what is the enlightenment" predicts the future stability as well as the primary reason for the economic development of the United States. The desire to invests in ones education is in part fueled by the virtues of liberal arts and sociological "enlightenment", yet, the greater impetus is the ability to freely ply ones trade in the economic sphere and achieve free class movement and/or engage in the pursuit of happiness with all attendant free speech and civil rights.

falling fertility rates are a great proof of the success of this Kantian idea in that as a people become more educated and their awareness of the investment needed for their children, they work longer, have less children, delay childbirth during key, high economic earnings times, the freedoms of females, enlarges this largesse and mentality, and the entirety of society, in both freedom of thought and environmental impact is spared the evils of uneducation, high population, and the creation of a "true" permanent underclass.

Falling Fertility Rates
All told, global fertility rates are half what they were in the early 1970s. The primary reason appears to be the rapid movement of people from farms to cities (nearly half the world's population today lives in urban areas), and the increasing social and economic opportunities available to women. Because of the large numbers of women still in childbearing age, world population will continue to grow for several decades, even as the average woman has fewer and fewer children. Yet within the lifetime of today's young adults, most demographers now believe, world population could well be falling.
Ben J. Wattenburg & Ivan R. Dee

Schools vs. Troops in Pakistan
For roughly the same cost as stationing 40,000 troops in Afghanistan for one year, we could educate the great majority of the 75 million children worldwide who, according to Unicef, are not getting even a primary education.... Such a vast global education campaign would reduce poverty, cut birth rates, improve America’s image in the world, promote stability and chip away at extremism. Education isn’t a panacea... but all in all, the evidence suggests that education can help foster a virtuous cycle that promotes stability and moderation.
-Nicholas D. Kristof