Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pre-sunrise thoughts

i was doing situps after running and i looked at my body and thought, "this doesn't even look like my body"
and it made me realize that it's not. it's a vehicle that was given to me, entrusted to me, just as my mind, spirit, personality, intelligence.
it was entrusted to me, but it's not mine really.
and so the question is, if god entrusted you with the most precious thing that you could ever have,
would you take care of that, and never forget that it was such a gift?
would you pledge to never forsake it, harm it, scold it, damage it?

yes, it is such a gift, whereby you can attain any and all earthly pleasures and desires, or enter any spiritual realms, and realize all truths and do unabounded service unto others.

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