Thursday, October 8, 2009


had a dream that i needed a taxi to get me to the middle of town quickly.
the driver was an older white man.
a stereotypical cabbie.
i stepped in the cab and he started driving fast.
then the cab disappeared and we were on rails and the railcar didn't have a top of sides.
we went faster and then passed through a construction area.
i could see that the rails went to the side, up in the air, and ended abruptly.
i thought, "wha?...."
but before i could react, we'd gone off the side and were hundreds of feet off the ground.
i looked at the cabbie and said, "are you out of your mind?"
he was focused on his task, and dismissed my upset and told me about how this was the best way.
looking down, i could see some tracks, but it was beyond me, how we were going to land softly.
seeing as there was nothing i could do, and the cabbie was so nonchalant,
i smiled and then looked at this cabbie and he was talking usual cabbie talk.
but when we did land, it was so smooth, that i was unable to perceive the difference between flying and being back on the ground.

it was nice to remember in the midst of the dream the two principles that had become themes in my waking life.
1. no matter the situation, i should always be at peace, because at all times, I am within my home (my body)
2. regardless of what's going on, you should always focus on your relationship with other beings that you are engaged with, and allowing your truth, the truth and a deep receptivity to the truth of others to be your guide.
when i told this dream to a co-worker, she said there was a number 3.
3. sometimes to get where you need to go, you need to do something that appears to be an insane leap, trusting your instincts and those who can guide you along what is a well worn path, your path, yet may seem like no path to you at the time.

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