Thursday, August 20, 2009

There is Only One Moment

Woke up last night kind of tripping on how fast the days and weeks were flying by.
It was the middle of the night, and in that clarity, I saw that there is only one moment.
No seconds, Hours, Days, Weeks, Years.
Only a single moment where we live our lives.
A single moment where everything we do, is done.
And so we can change the clothes of these moments and feel that we have ordered them as if they were newspapers.
but newspapers are newspapers, whereas the moment we live in, is ever new, always alive, never burdened with the past, nor concerned with the future.

and what can we know in life, if we do not know this moment?
everything we do and experience, is truly, first and foremost, this moment.
is there anything we think, anything we do, anything we feel, which is not, in reality, attributable to this moment, and not to whatever it is we thought it was other than the moment?

Is not intimacy, all intimacy, merely and truthfully, intimacy with the moment?
we use surrogates, people, experiences, but in truth, intimacy is primarily with the moment as well as the individual.

there is nothing we think, or can think, or have thought, or will thought, which is not in truth pretzel'd around this moment.

would it not be to miss, to go though life, never having known this moment?
this same moment, which is our constant companion and the "God" of our creation?

the moment is our umbilical cord with God, ourselves, others, earth, breath, love, desire and karma.

we can come to know this most beautiful of breezes, of flowers, far more intimately than we do at present.
there are many ways to come to know this moment.
this one moment.

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