Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Structure, Origin and Nature of the Divine.

It has been noted that the structure of our universe is such that there are clusters and groups of galaxies with large dark spaces. Oncea gain, it has been said that due to the effects of gravity, our galaxies would spin off into the distance if it were not for there being at least 80-90% of the mass of the universe, in an as yet undetected state.
some of the theories, as previously mentioned, is that "machos" (massive compact halo object) large interglactic entities and small rock like or particulate entities, which do not shine, give off energy or are otherwise detectable, may make up a part of this mass. This does not seem to be the case, so far. If such objects were out there, they should, in theory be detected as they move across our field of view of other galaxies, thus causing a type of lensing effect. We have seen this lensing effect, yet, it appears the lensing is coming from within the galaxies we are observing, rather than from the spaces between.
another theory for where this hidden mass could be, is that it is contained in "wimps" (weak interacting massive particles). if there are such particles, we have yet to detect them.
but, what about another idea, or two.

what if our universe is a separte universe that sprung off another universe at the time of the big bang? suppose our multiverse is actually contained within a wormhole region created in a black hole like object (and for the sake of argument, let's say it's at the center of a universe within another universe).
if our existence is actually physically represented within a region of another universe as a black hole, then it would lead to the assumption that although in one frame of reference, a black hole is an infinitessimally small object, the "size" of objects within that space and the accompanying "wormhole" (loosely defined) is, and can be arbitrarily large.
Once energy is broken down beyond physical form into pure energy with positve and negative charges, then it may be able to fluxuate in such a way to be arbitrarily large.. as is thought to be the possible case for our own universe.
Ok, assuming all of that, then perhaps the structure of our galaxy, that is, regions of galactic clusters, intermingled with dark regions, in spiderweb like strands, perhaps these strands represent more than just galactic clusters. these strands may represent the very foundation and structure of our existence.
if we are within a black hole like wormhole like structure, then perhaps the strands are the artifice and frame for our existence.
In this model, "dark matter" may not be represented as objects within our galaxy, rather, the force and detection of dark matter may in fact be the pressure exerted from outside of, inside of and all around us, emanating from the very strucutre and physical characteristics of the wormhole/blackhole region our universe occupies.

It has been said that the structure of a thing, provides a unique form of information for what that thing was, and what it will be. Well, given that, if you run the tape backwards from our existence, then what you have, is the fact that the pure energy of our very creation (the big bang), at that very moment, back to zero, the physical dimensions for each living being on earth, was not only pre-determined in a sense, but pre-destined as well.

pure energy, unavoidably begets life.
and if this pure energy, was in previous forms, as life, then that information, would in a sense serve as the model and template and inherent capacity/knowledge of that very same energy.

once again, the argument of "god" is so strangely inadequate. all possible arguments for god, are foundless, and yet, the power ascribed to god, at the same time, so very limited.

that which we think of as divine, is so much more divine than we imagine. and to think that love begat it all...
the divinity is beyond all divinity to the extent that all is divine.

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