Saturday, January 30, 2010

Gardening Meditation

several thoughts ocured to me while gardening.

1. humans are very good at vast, cataclysmic change. so we have nothing to fear in terms of the changes that need to be made to live in harmony with the earth. we could change earth, society, the world in several key weeks. the idea that we must "ratchet down" or "transition" is absolute bullshit... evidence seems to indicate that after hundreds of millions of years during the age of the dinosaurs, they became extinct in a matter of years... this lead to cataclysmic change. it required no such "ratcheting down". necessity will forever be, the mother of invention. i thought about this, because i have not gardened in several months, yet, today, i could have my yard look better than someone who has gardened weekly for years if i was willing to put forth the effort. a man who has been fat all his life and eaten twice what he has needed, could be in better shape than a man who has never been fat with six months of working out, diet and dedication. a house, messy, filthy and neglected, could look better than a museum in the course of several weeks with sustained effort. humans can transform anything, especially their minds, almost instantaneously. any change, can occur at any time for virtually any reason (but it helps if you meditate).

2. the person with great ideas, may not (absolutely not) be the person who is skilled at carrying those ideas out. we require cooperation for every task.

3. we need to derive a system of 'karma' where it makes no difference who you are, or what you are, or how much money you have. your consumption of earthly resources deducts from your karma. your lack of use of these resources, adds to your karma. so if you are a billionaire, you can acquire a vast surplus in karma, only if your efforts lead to lowering the karma quotient of others. giving away shoes, coats, building buildings, will all lead to a higher karma quotient. this would reuire everyone to "think" and be mindful in their actions, rather than to allow economics to dictate the actions of man, as they have for the previous 3000 years or so (to some extent). if you have a private jet, several homes, multiple personal attendants, then your karma will inescapably be high. same goes for the dalai lama... he also must consider his karma quotient. no one get's any "credits" or is allowed to "borrow" from others based on their divinity or the need of their presence, comfort, etc. your karma score should be a factor for how society cares for you. if you are a crackhead, and you give birth to a drug addicted baby, your karma score should be automatically worse than someone that flies a million miles a year in a private jumbo jet.

4. i've only meditated for about 10 minutes in the last 3 weeks, yet, today, as a payoff for my efforts, i was rewarded with beautiful, beautiful calm mind space and contemplations... thank you god. you are indeed great.

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