Friday, February 27, 2009

Jacques Derrida & Jean-Baptiste Poquelin

Proved right again!

The whole disease of seriousness and social structure once again proves itself worthy of being torn down violently. Without knowing it, I was at heart an adherent of Derrida and Poquelin (better known by his stage name of Moliere). Through art, through the written, the masses can be eduated. Through the arts, the heart and mind and soul find expression. "Binary-ism" as it is called, is another way of discussing or describing the Vendantic notion of Brahmin and Atman and the many masks and faces of the one, the nameless, the colorless, the formless...

I for one believe in the light-heartedness and silliness and, at every opportunity, throwing the absurdity of situations into their own self-formed tumult. Some, who struggle to find meaning and sobriety, may get upset at such notions, however, in the final analysis, the freedom, and the ultimate freedom expressed by Derrida and Moliere is only achieved when the individual has broken completely free of the forms and structures to which they have been raised and previously held.

Liberation, is, in the final analysis, not against institutions, or even against individuals. Rather, liberation is always in terms of, and relation to the individual to himself. "Know Thyself". Did you know that Socrates was the teacher of Plato? and that Socrates did not write, rather, we only know Socrates through the dialogues of Plato, and that Aristotle was the student of Plato?

did you know that Christianity is a dominant, oppressive school of thought (in one perspective) that survives and has survived through violent suppression of alternate views? Funny to look at it like that right? a religion, as a school of thought... as the essence of scholasticism and the vision of olde Europe, forced and entrenched, in all its perversity, in the new world. If you take the divine away from Christianity, then what you have is a philosophy. In truth, the soul and heart of Christianity is missing... and only provided by the hearts and minds of the believers... as any religion.

Back to the point.

I see Derrida and Moliere as two jesters, two leaders of two school of thoughts, as liberationist, as a latter day Castro and Guevara. As a Freire and Garvey...

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