Monday, April 14, 2008

It's not coincidence that Christianity, marks the distinction in man's ascendency

I've been thinking about it for a while. Ever since I finished the biography of Sitting Bull.

There's such a distinction between religions that worship a single "God" and religions that are essentially earth-based, whether they worship god or not.

There is a huge distinction between a God that is made in our own image (and not the other way around) and a God that is the mysterious force that serves as the answer to the riddle of life and existence.

Judaism to me, represents a link between the old religions and the new.

Judaism is the story of one God, who creates existence, rather than the Gods of so many indigenous folk, who is one with existence, in the grandest sense, inseparable from creation.

Judaism, talks of the one God, and more. It represents a stretch of imagination, and spiritual yearning. It could not say that God was man. Yes, it knew of prophets, but God was God, and man was man. The old testament serves as a basis for something, and that something is the coming of the lord. But that lord, would now be a man. Man, as the literal son of God. Elevated from Gods creation, and made in the image of God, to God's flesh and blood son.

The old testament begs the question of man's evolution. As the story of the old testament was told and retold. at some point just before, or after the creation of written language, the story of God grew. And, logically, the story of God and the meaning, in fact every aspect of God, grew, in proportion of our own understanding.

And so, after many tellings and re-tellings, the intellect of man, yearned for more. It had yearned for, and gotten fire, metal, technology, complex societies, Kings... and Kings chosen by God... and now, it was clear, that soon, man would be God.

In a form of Freudian type sublimation and introjection, man knew he did not have the power to crown himself "King". And so, he wrote the story such that God, would crown man, (his son) as king. And so the story wasn't of how man had become God, but how the true prophet of God, the "son" of God, would come.

And anticipation built such, that when the prophet of God came, and he was killed, the telling of his gospel, became not just the word of God, or the "way" of God, but the prophet became a door to god, and the one true door, such that he became literally, "God" and his death, the cleansing way... what else was there to be done? the prophet had come, he had been killed, and now he was gone. Were we to say, "wow, gee, that was it? that's what we've been waiting for?" no. we made some lemonade out of the lemons. we pored over his life, his disciples.. the word, simply had to be spread. and so, he became God, and to accept his teachings became the way... and they found that the story of his coming, his life, and his crucifixion became so much more than the tragedy, it must have surely seemed to be as unfolded at the time.. they had been handed a Gold mine. And then, surely the perfection of what had occured, must have dawned upon them all...

What would have happened had Christ lived? what would have happened, had he not been crucified? Had he not worn a crown of thorns? had not Mary Magdelene come to his side? had not Pontius had the spear thrust into his chest? Had there not been apostles, or gospels? but, he had lived and written his own tale? at the very least, we would not be wearing crosses.. perhaps more... had Christ died of old age... would his blood have had cleansing powers? would a death in old age or in infirmity, be understood as a death, "for our sins"...

I can envision at this moment the followers of "Christ" looking dumbfounded, staring blankly, wondering where they would be, where we would be, what the world would look like, had there not been that cross, that crown, those nails and that tragic death... there is nothing godly about those things.. and yet, those were the tools, the cross, the crown, the nails and the crucifixion... those were the tools, that transmogrified man into a God... the old testament had paved the road, and there was no turning back... all that was needed, was for man to ascend and to continue to evolve, and one day, we would have our one true lord and God...

and I'll go one step further. With the comfort of knowing that we were not only made in God's image, but that we were God's, the psychological bonds of man, were completely loosened. Man's intellect was free to create and imagine unfettered... The discoveries of science, of technology, were only made possible, when man became God... it's not so much that we needed a savior. what we needed was freedom and a breaking of the bonds as creatures that were "less than" and an elevation to creatures that had the keys to existence itself... and so the sexual union of mary and God, meant that God had fallen in love with man... and the "son" is a symbol of his commitment to earth, to humans, and that we had become "blood brothers"... and the death of his son, meant that forever, we would have the body of christ sown into mother earth... and so we, with our voodoo of jesus' blood on our hands and on planet earth, had been elevated to the home of Gods.. Heaven was on earth. There was nothing to stop us now.

What I'm saying is, that 2,000 years ago, Christ was surely killed, and in the previous 4 million years, man had achieved little, more than written language, and shame. 2,000 years after Christ, we stand on the brink of unlocking all of the secrets (non-spiritual) of existence... yes, the timing, was incredible...

and I'll go one step further... All utterances are spiritual. Every city is full of spiritualist... the yearning of man, is what turned christ into the one true God... for he surely could have been known by the name of Steven, Rebecca, John, Jonah, David... man would not be denied his God, and Man would not be denied his Godliness... But the Jews did not accept him. The Jews knew he was a man. You can not say, that they denied his Godliness. you can only say that he was not recognized as God. I think any fool can realize that if he was God, then he never would have been able to be denied.

All fell at the feet of the Buddha. All fell at the feet of Muhammad. Few fell at the feet of Jesus and with good reason. Now we all fall, and we fall, because we want to fall. we need to fall, because we have too much invested in it. And that is why Black clergy and worshippers are so forgiving. For Jesus was a man, and he was flawed, he was was killed because of his flaws, and the message is that we are made in the image, and in our imperfection, we can find beauty in forgiveness. and if we can forgive Jesus, then we can surely forgive man. for we are one and the same.

And so if we are to condemn Whites for what they had done to the world, we must also acknowledge that Christ is one of our own, and his story resonated so deeply within the white europeans, that they saw their "salvation" they saw that through Christ, they could not only be absolved of their sins, but they found the way to become what they had always desired, except this time, legitimately, this time, with God's blessing. This time, under the direction of God himself.... And so if we are to condemn White men, then we must condemn him for daring to become God. For daring to push humanity to it's inevitible end. We must also, condemn ourselves, for plunging so headlong into the fever and lust of Godliness, which so surely plunged their entire race, over that sublime abyss...

But the power of Spirituality is such, that it may be projected upon, or shone upon any idea, man, or concept, and gleam with the supernatural glow, of the almighty...

that's why I can be found crying, shouting, stomping and screaming the lord of Christ our king, and praying to him for wisdom, guidance, thanks and forgiveness...

it's that powerful...

And so, we began to worship man, over all else. And so the needs of man, the desires of man, the wars of man, the power of man to administer God, and in the worship of man, became paramount to the fate of the Earth.

But the trinity was needed. For man was not God, but God's son was man, and so God is eternal, and man is too, in spirit, but God as man dies, and so there must be God, and the holy spirit, which binds us and serves as a medium between the two worlds....

how strange it must have been for those native cultures in Africa, The America's, and Asia to Find these invaders who worshiped the one true God, who was a man who died on the cross and thus transmorgified, human flesh, into Godly flesh... and what more proof did they need to see that God was man, than to look at the magic, the medicine, the spells, the possessions and devilry of the white man... who worshipped an all powerful God-man...

And so the doom of Earth was sealed. Man claimed dominion over all lands, all creatures, all spoils. Earth, was man's treasure chest.

Christianity was such a strange religion. Through it White, Red, Brown, Yellow and Black peoples have all been elevated to the status of Gods, and as we have been crowned, we have knealt besides the Whites at the treasure box to greedily claw out our fill.

God as man. The power to start time back to Zero. And now we are at 2008... it didn't take long did it? Maybe it's not too late, for us to do this thing all over again, and to this time pray for the Wisdom of Gods that should have accompanied our pleas for the prophet...

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