just as the christian god is the son of the god representing and the same as god, or a perfect facsimile, our god, is the son of god, as our existence is an "approaching" facsimile of a previous and ever present perfected existence represented in our reconstructed pockets of negative entropy.
at the time of our universe's creation, a large amount of energy was realized which coalesced into our physical reality. and now we have human beings, created out of the stuff of that creation contemplating the nature of the origins of our existence.
there is the attendant problem of creation, genesis and where it all came from, who/how it was created and if there is such a thing as genesis..
in terms of our existence on earth, which serves as the basis for all contemplations. there has been forwarded the theory of evolution.
there is also the debate as to whether there is divine creation
somehow, and this makes no sense to me. folks seem to see "godly" creation and evolution (scientific) as mutually exclusive as a final theory.
to me, it's all how you look at it.
but one conundrum that i share with the dichotomy's is the idea of how to explain, even if it is just for ourselves, the seeming observation that evolution is continuing, which brings to mind two questions. what is the driving/guiding force for this evolution and what is it that we are evolving towards? they are two sides of the ultimate question. and it assumes that there is such a thing as evolution.
for me, it has been proven. to look at DNA and the complex conditions that life had to create for itself in order to work and move, there is undeniably an underlying guiding energy.
i would like to propose the theory of reconstruction.
string theory presupposes multiple dimensions.
if the origin of the energy of our universe was a white hole, or a quantum fluctuation which called this energy into existence, then there may hive been perfected presuppositions, allowing this existence..
THIS would be the guiding force for evolution as we know it. the information of the previous physical perfection or underlying multidimensional possibility is being "reconstructed" as a process embodied as evolution within our current existence.
The guiding force for our evolution and transformation a life form is embodied within the stuff of our own existence. on a level far beyond our ability to currently understand and decipher.
it is supposed that there is no way to find out what a black hole is composed of, because the information has been deconstructed in such a way as to destroy any information about the prior state of the stuff. But if this stuff came from some other area, in multiple dimensions and it's natural state is that of pure energy, then regardless of how "deconstructed" its' previous physical reality manifestation may have become, it's ultimate form of energy and the inherent information inherent, which has the same potential to once again become reconstructed, has, in effect, not been destroyed and never could be destroyed.
just as a single cell of a human, contains the information to reconstruct that human all over again. energy, even burst apart within an accelerator, contains this very same power of information which has the ability to recognize and respond to opportunities for reconstruction.. and this reconstruction does not stop once a physical sub-atomic or chemical form has been taken.. it is my theory that this energy can continue to reach ever complex forms of reconstruction, in multiple forms, guided in some underlying form, (recognizable to us as evolution) which will, if given the ability, once again reform itself into ever increasing, evolutionary forms of being.
yeah, you and me.
Consider for a moment the "black hole information paradox"
The black hole information paradox results from the combination of quantum mechanics and general relativity. It suggests that physical information could "disappear" in a black hole, allowing many physical states to evolve into precisely the same state. This is a contentious subject since it violates a commonly assumed tenet of science—that in principle complete information about a physical system at one point in time should determine its state at any other time.
what is the most important information?
it's the info we can't forget even if we tried.
some call it, "the laws of nature" or "the laws of physics" or "chemistry" or "quantum physics"
i call it the most important and indelible mark of divinity man will ever know.
from immeasurable physical events, billions of years later, some of this stuff congealed into you, me, our parents... an unbroken line of humanity and before that, life...
never losing the dream, never stopping, regardless of what, how, how long, where... we're here now. and soon there will be others.
it doesn't start with DNA, that's damn near where it ends, for in truth, it's below all of that to the very nature of nothingness itself.
And so, if our universe is the expansion of a previous universe then, the physical laws, the physical states and realities as well as potentialities. so, if there was "life" in the existence prior to the state of our own reality, then, it was unavoidable, that any situation in this universe where the conditions for life exist, then life itself would set about the crucial work to become alive.
this is what i mean by "reconstruction" as physical reality reconstructs itself from prior knowledge of physical states. Consider for a moment, if all physical reality did emerge from a "big bang" then all information throughout our universe was well within proximity to one another for all of it to know everything about itself. there is no need for information to travel, for it shared an origin.
DNA is just a higher state that is decipherable. on the quantum level, the connections, not so obvious, the linkage, unseen, the conspiracy, evident, yet elusive and puzzling, yet, within the lowest, smallest thing, we have found more information and a greater complexity, than we can even decode..
i will even take it one step further. if there is such a thing as a multiverse, then the potential realities and physical forms existent anywhere within that multiverse, will eventuate within our corner of the multiverse, if the potential to do so exist.
No one knows how "old" our universe is, or how "large" or how complex and multi creationed it is.. so, the information and potential for forms, is virtually limitless... which is something we always have "known".
that's one idea to explain both "divine" creation, and scientific evolution.
the divine, is divine to the furthest explanations, of "all" just as are the accompanying and complimentary scientific explanations.
it kind of makes sense when you think about it.
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