It seems that there are many ways to skin a cat, and at least as many ways to oppress non-elitist and the unentitled. By choosing to pick the mentally lame, the mentally uncreative, those with leisure and a stated non-passion for creativity, empowerment, innovation, and an all too obvious lacking desire, ability, or even awareness that "the people" are to be served by knowledge, then by choosing these individuals to enter the higher institutions of our nation, these institutions are preserving and effectively blocking all access to information and the empowerment that knowledge and information can bring.
It's like, Berkeley and bullshit institutions like Berkeley can not only devise ingenius ways of scientifically justifying the lack of lower socio-economic classes, but also, they can use high tech solutions modeled after biological techniques derived from insect control, namely "SIT" or "Sterile-Insect Technique". Bullshit institutions such as Berkeley now use "Intellectually Sterile-Human Introduction Technique".
Here's how it works.
Intellectually Sterile-Human Introdution Technique (or "iSHIT" for short) helps in the eradication of all helpful efforts in inner-city and communities of high disparity. Instead of choosing qualified minorities and others to enter higher educational institutions as undergraduates or even graduate students, intellectually sterile individuals from overly represented and high socio-economic groups are chosen to fill up these valuable slots.
Once they obtain their degrees, they are released into the larger community whereby mating with equally intellectually infertile males and females while avoiding lower producing, under-represented areas to work, equally infertile progeny are produced. It must be remembered that if individuals from groups of high-disparity were in these valuable educational slots, then not only would the high disparity communites be able to profit from the return of these individuals (and their children and their childrens children exponentially), but the children and offspring of these highly-educated individuals would form an exponential army of high producers, the effects of which would be wholly transformative.
Instead, Universities such as Berkeley shoose to flood the general population with "sterile humans"
Question: How do intellectually sterile humans in higher educational settings suppress intellectual creativity?
Answer: Sterile humans are employed to compete with indigenous humans to reduce the number of intellectually fertile events, and to cause the children of indigenous humans to function without this knowledge. To assure success, sterile humans must be present in much greater numbers than the indigenous humans in order to reduce production of intellectually stimulating events. The method is only effective after the indigenous intellectually stimulating population has been greatly reduced by other means, such as racism, bullshit policies, racist admissions policy, bullshit curriculum, bullshit administration and bullshit in general (big ishit) because it only takes one intellectually fertile indigenous human to intellectually inseminate a number of children and community members in a high disparity region.
But it doesn't start there. The entire rancid nature of these types of institutios turns off many a minority. So they block us from getting in, and when we get in, they teach bullshit.
Overtly racist Institutions like Berkeley must be contrasted with truly innovative and welcoming institutions such as Harvard which graduates several of the greatest minds of the Black empowerment fight, such as W.E.B DuBois, Carter G. Woodson..... but this isn't to say Harvard is perfect. They too have fallen prey to the recent tradition of racist admissions. Although 8% of Harvards students are Black, the vast majority of those Blacks are West Indian, African or the children of West Indian and Africans and not those who would truly represent inclusion of historically excluded populations.
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