Monday, April 27, 2009

Is It True? Less Is Actually More?

it just doesn't seem to make sense, but the simple truth is, that less is actually more. the less you have, the more satisfied you are with what you have. if you have more, it leads into a game of impossible satiation. and once in that realm, there is a fear that anything less will be insufficient, so it leaves you feeling unable to change and cut back. at that point the battle is completely lost, because psychologically, you've entered the real of learned helplessness.

if there is one thing true about humans, is that they can will themselves to just about anything. between their minds, technology, training, refinement, they can do things that really, they should not be able to do.

it's been a humbling experience, but also, tremendously rewarding to be able to make these, oh so precious realizations at this stage of my life.

there is a lot said about "the now" and "mindfullness" and these are two lessons that are inexhaustible. How to be mindful of all the things you can benefit from being fully mindful about at all times? how to be in the "now" with all of the amazing realizations and experiences and knowledge and levels of awareness that you can plunge into at all times? and then, of course, how to be mindful in the now. of course, it makes no sense to think of being mindful in anything other than the now, and yet, psychologically, by not being "present" consciously, we are able to achieve the seeming impossible, which is to not be in the "now". by thinking of the future, being held back by prior assumptions, being held back by believed limitations, by rigidity of mind, by belief, delusion, by a focus on something that is not present, by fantasy, by imagination.. in all of these ways we are held back and capable of not being in the "present"

the only thing i can liken the ability to be mindful in the now is the idea of driving and reading. once one has mastered driving, you can find yourself at your destination and now really remember how you got there. when you can read really well and focus for long periods of time, you no longer become aware of the words, rather, you are fully within the world of the story, the characters, the events....

to be mindful in the now is like reading in this way. over time, you become better at being present and conscious in your actions. you become adept at being able to make small, small, small, seeming inconsequential choices in the now, that pay off huge dividends as these small choices are built upon others and others.

the list of things that are conducive to mindfulness, are infinite, as well as the list of things that are antithetical to it. not knowing what you want, i would not dare to direct anyone in being mindful. however, the beauty is, that if one makes a commitment to being mindful, then slowly, over time, you will become better and better at it. and one by one, problems and issues will fall to the wayside. you will become better and better at living with intent and moving towards your goals.

when i was young. when i was not yet 20, i sketched out some "goals" i don't think i've reached or attained any of them, however, they can be achieved right now. they can be achieved in a single day. If i were to be able to achieve them in a single day, for a single day, then that would be it. and then, i would need to be able to achieve these goals, everyday, all day and never miss an opportunity to achieve them. then i would have achieved them completely.

they are very simple. they have to do with flexibility, communication, nutrition, awareness, and love.

it's very beautiful to have, at such a young age, chosen such meaningful goals. and yet, incredibly challenging to have chosen goals, that are so supreme and in a very real sense, difficult. and yet, as i've stated before, they are very simple goals. and yet, to achieve them, for a day here or there, is something that can bring a very strong sense of accomplishment, and yet, is accompanied by much sadness. it's sad that something so simple can seem so tortuous and difficult, as we fight ourselves and work at cross purposes with ourselves. it's sad to recount the effort, the battles, the failures, the confusion, rage, anger, sadness that it has to be so difficult. and yet. the sadness is passing, and you will evolve.

and so, less is actually more. in a full circle, you return to where you began, and you have in effect, gone nowhere. and yet, a circle has been made, a journey has taken place and by returning, you have been made whole, and for having gone, you are made complete. in every possible example of life. circles are being made. and yes it is true. less is actually more.

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