Monday, March 23, 2009

Perfection-SuperPerfection & Abandonment of the Subject-Object Approach

It has always disgusted me that as man has become more technologically removed from their environment, they have persisted in maintaining an increasingly Subject-object relationship with the environment.
But more on that later.

The theme of this exposition is Perfection and SuperPerfection
Perfection will be defined as a state of complete nothingness, where nothing exist, all is possible, and nothing occurs. The theory behind perfection as nothingness, is that "nothing" has a quality that no other state has, namely, that all possibilities exist, which is another way of saying that in the lack of "something" a state of perfection necessarily exists.

Absolute nothingness is a difficult concept for the human mind to wrap itself around. it is so used to grappling with meaning that is always associated with somethingness, it is uniquely inadequate to contemplate nothingness.

how big is nothing? is it infinitely small? infinitely large? no, it is nothing. neither. and yet at the same time, the possibility of everything.

SuperPerfection is defined as at the same time, less than, and more than Perfection (nothingness). If Perfection is the state of complete nothingness, then SuperPerfection is the state of complete somethingness, where all possibilities exist simultaneously, between potential and existence. SuperPerfection is limitless.

It is my theory that we currently exist within a state of SuperPerfection. The proof, is that we exist. Since we exist, we are not in a state of perfect all-possibility. We have crossed over into all creation.

And of course only man would exists in the realm where it is possible for man to exist, whereas, there are all other realms, where man does not.

Another beauty of perfection and SuperPerfection, is that all things are connected and interchanging and thus existent in all places and times, as a contingency of the possibility of SuperPerfection.

SuperPerfection necessitates such dualities, in fact, all dualities, such that the philosophical question, "do we exist?" and "what is existence?" and "is the world an illusion?" are all equally answerable by "yes" and "no" as well as "everything" and nothing.

Current theory holds that the total sum "energy" of our observable universe is zero. meaning that it can all cancel out as in an equasion, meaning, that all of existence not only could come out of a space smaller than the head of a pin, as in the big bang, but also that such an explanation is the only one that makes sense.

Which brings us to the exposition of the subject (man)- object (thing/environment) relationship.

Without introducing the concept of God, it has always been my notion that life exists becuase it is possible to exist. that is the sense defying seeming motivation and inertia of life to continually evolve into ever more complex and capable forms of beingness. As man becomes conscious, he imbues reality with consciousness. All is connected.

The miracle of our individual lives, is in fact a miracle, and also, a given, in that if anything exists anywhere, then all exist. Individuality, is but an individual which is inpossibly entwined within reality. Consciousness is a condition of our current state of being.

And, as living beings, we are indelibly married to the means of our creation. regardless of what we may think about our Earth, it is life-sustaining. therefore, we are beholden to it, and our primary concern is the continuation of our life forms, which necessitate the caretaking of all life and all things and all possibility on this planet.

existence is remarkably self-healing. It can heal itself from the scars of humanity.

regardless of what we think of technology, or our lack of connection to the world and fellow life forms, it would be wise to not get to far ahead of ourselves in terms of our relationship to the world and our fellow life forms on Earth.

Giving new meaning, new life, and scientific, rational proof and justification for the notion of 7th generation philosophies of many indigenous cultures. and a new orientation from which to observe and give credit to the genius and subtle, lovely balance between pre-technological cultures which have endured and persisted, relatively unchanged for thousands of years.

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