See these young Caucasian gentlemen on the Left? They are the type of chaps that would never fall under any type of drug suspicion. Not because they don't do drugs, but because they're White, and no Pig, either Black or White is going to ruin' the future of some White boy who's just trying to get high and have some sex and party a little bit before getting a multi-million dollar job working for their father.... but read below, because several White boys in this photo of San Diego States Theta Chi Fraternity, just got busted for selling' drugs supplied to them by Mexican Cartels.
Now, even without a crystal ball, I can tell you that many of these folks will get a slap on the wrist, some will skate, and it's absolutely beyond reason to assume that any of these promising young White boys will get life sentences as is customary for hard core drug sales in Louisiana. No doubt can be had that many of the 75 mostly fraternity members will post bail, hire the best lawyers, and the "mitigating evidence" will "move" the jury to light sentences with rehab, probation and speaking engagements. Regardless of what they find, it's more than likely that by the end of it, they'll martyr any and all of the minority students that are involved.
We already know (As illustrated in The Woozy's Angola paper), that as of 2001, although Black's comprise a mere 12% of the population and 13% of drug users, they comprise 38% of those arrested for drug offenses, 44% of those prosecuted, 59% of those convicted and their sentences were 49% longer than Whites who did the same exact thing. So I'm not just playin' the race card in my prognostication that these White boys will get preferential treatment in the criminal justice system. it's an established fact.
As more and more Black men and women are getting locked up in this racist drug war, three news articles in the headlines, on Tuesday illustrate the racist drug enforcement's lopsided and misguided policies and the thinly veiled focus on martyring the entire Black community in the name of conning the American public that America, it's Pigs and it's politicians are "tough on crime". The reality is that White people do just as much drugs as Blacks. Hopefully we can start to tear down some of these free drug use zones that seem to exist in every white neighborhood, white college and white vehicle.
Not surprising, the Racist Manhattan Institute, and it's dapper cadre of racist pseudo-intellectuals have jumped into the fray to defend the practice of focusing on Blacks and their neighborhoods solely in the drug war. I have a long standing hate of the racist propaganda that emanates from this shithole, and it's all-star assholes like the Thernstrom's and Uncle Tom in residence, John McWhorter. But that comes later, If you read the excerpts from these three articles and think about it, it's clear that we have a serious flaw in our national drug enforcement policy, and once again, racial discrimination and America's long standing class system and it's determination of the value of Black and White lives is at it's core. Read on.
San Francisco Digest:
By Cecilia M. Vega
Published: Tuesday, May 6, 2008
(05-05-08) 19:36 PDT San Francisco -- As San Francisco's population of African American residents has decreased in recent years, the population of black men and women locked up in the San Francisco County Jail has increased dramatically. More than 60 percent of all prisoners are African American. And of the 282 female prisoners, 67 percent are Black. About 42 percent of the jail population is in custody for drug offenses, the study found. In contrast, 6.7 percent of San Francisco residents are black- a number that has been in steady decline. Sheriff Hennessey said the criminal justice system and the war on drugs are "disproportionately adversely affecting San Francisco's African American community."
O.K., so that's the first part, now, let's turn to the New York Times...
The New York Times:
By Erik Eckholm
Published: Tuesday, May 6, 2008
More than two decades after President Ronald Reagan escalated the war on drugs, arrests for drug sales or, more often, drug possession are still rising. And despite public debate and limited efforts to reduce them, large disparities persist in the rate at which blacks and whites are arrested and imprisoned for drug offenses, even though the two races use illegal drugs at roughly equal rates. Two new reports, issued Monday by the Sentencing Project in Washington and by Human Rights Watch in New York, both say the racial disparities reflect, in large part, an overwhelming focus of law enforcement on drug use in low-income urban areas, with arrests and incarceration the main weapon. But they note that the murderous crack-related urban violence of the 1980s, which spawned the war on drugs, has largely subsided, reducing the rationale for a strategy that has sowed mistrust in the justice system among many blacks. Apart from crowding prisons, one result is a devastating impact on the lives of black men: they are nearly 12 times as likely to be imprisoned for drug convictions as adult white men.
And just for good measure, here's some of the rather astute commentary...
“The way the war on drugs has been pursued is one of the biggest reasons for the growing racial disparities in criminal justice over all,” said Ryan S. King, a policy analyst with the Sentencing Project who wrote its report. “The race question is so entangled in the way the drug war was conceived,” said Jamie Fellner, a senior counsel at Human Rights Watch and the author of its report. “If the drug issue is still seen as primarily a problem of the black inner city, then we’ll continue to see this enormously disparate impact,” Ms. Fellner said. Blacks constituted 53.5 percent of all who entered prison for a drug conviction.
And here is the aforementioned racist spin/justification from the Manhattan Institute...
Heather Mac Donald, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute in New York, said it made sense for police to focus more on fighting visible drug dealing in low-income urban areas, largely involving members of minorities, than on hidden use in suburban homes, more often by whites, because the urban street trade is more associated with violence and other crimes and impairs the quality of life. “The disparities reflect policing decisions to use drug laws to try and reduce violence and to respond to the demand by law-abiding residents in poor neighborhoods to clean up the drug trade,” Ms. Mac Donald said.
Impairs the quality of life? Tell me, what impairs the quality of life more, smoking' some dope, or life in prison? The reason why folks in the ghetto are getting' high is because they've already been impaired by the effect of everyone they ' know either getting' blown away, or arrested, or incarcerated not to mention the fact that they have more than likely already been blackballed by a criminal record, life in foster care and expelled at school, only to go out into the world and not being' able to get a fucking' job, education, help, services, treatment, justice or a fucking' chance in Hell in this 500 year history of American "fuck over every fucking' Black motherfucker" Philosophy. Let's face it, fucking' over Black Folks and blaming them for everything that's wrong in this country is as American as George Washington's underwear.
The Manhattan Institutes's young commenter seemingly pays no attention to the fact that drug laws are on the books because drugs are illegal. If violence occurs, then there are other charges that can be called into play. If you read her statement, she's essentially saying that White drug use is inconsequential, assumedly because it is "responsible" drug use. However, San Diego State's recent bust has shown what we have known all along. White folks use just as much drugs as Black folks. I applaud the thoroughness of the investigation, the number of undercover sales, the further search into the sale of illegal weapons and the tracing back of the drugs to Mexican Cartels, because when they bust your ass in the hood, all they're interested in is putting your Black ass in jail. There is a concerted lack of focus on drug distributors, the weapons trade that goes along with it, and the larger network of importers and high level and mid-level distributors. To me, it seems obvious why the police do this, and it's because they want arrests to justify the number of police on the streets, and if they cut the head off the beast, then they essentially put themselves out of work, and make it that much harder to arrest the street level user. Anyway, here's the final article in the trifecta expose of drug enforcement disparity.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008 (AP)
By ALLISON HOFFMAN, Associated Press Writer
Published: Tuesday, May 6, 2008
When a 19-year-old freshman sorority member died a year ago from a cocaine overdose at San Diego State University, campus investigators set out to find out who was dealing drugs to their 34,000 students. It turned out their targets were on Fraternity Row, where authorities say unassuming facades of houses emblazoned with Greek symbols concealed thriving networks that may have used profits to finance fraternity operations. Undercover agents arrested 96 people, including 75 San Diego State students, during a five-month investigation into drug dealing on campus. Students at three fraternities were arrested. Twenty-nine people were arrested early Tuesday in raids at nine locations including the Theta Chi fraternity, where agents found cocaine, ecstasy and three guns. Eighteen of them were wanted on warrants for selling to undercover agents. San Diego State suspended Theta Chi and five other fraternities.
University police launched their investigation into drug sales on campus after Shirley Poliakoff, 19, died from a cocaine overdose in May 2007. Investigators discovered many students in fraternities were aware of organized drug dealing within their houses. Grams of cocaine were on sale for as little as $35. More than 130 undercover drug buys were made at locations including fraternity houses, student parking areas and in student dormitories during the investigation by university police and the DEA, authorities said. Authorities seized several guns, at least $60,000 in cash, marijuana, psychedelic mushrooms, hash oil, methamphetamine and illicit prescription drugs, the university said. Some drugs bought and sold by students were traced to gangs linked to Mexican cartels, according to the DEA. Agents collected about $100,000 worth of drugs, including cocaine, ecstasy pills, hallucinogenic mushrooms and high-grade marijuana that were being advertised in "resale quantities" between members of the fraternity and other students.
Like I've been saying all along, the police need to get off their asses, and get up in those gated communities where White folks are using drugs in a shroud of safety and free from arrest or any other type of enforcement. Hopefully we'll see some of the White drug users pulled into the shit along with Blacks, because right now the "Drug War" is a Race war, and it shows no sign of diminishing.
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