I didn't see this one coming until it hit me right between the eyes. Reality is a strange thing. We can all agree on that. As sober and lucid as it is, it's generally accepted that it's strange than fiction. Whereas anything is possible in our imaginations, the strangest things happen in reality.
Yesterday I realized another aspect in which we completely delude ourselves. By "we" I mean Americans and so-called "1st world" societies. Deep down, as we destroy ourselves and our environment, we believe that one day, when this earth is destroyed, we will float out in space, visiting other cultures, other worlds, and at times, landing on other earth like planets for Mediterranean type sojourns with alien connoisseur's, charismatic-Christ/Einstein-like geniuses, gourmand's and hyper attractive tantric alien sluts of every known and previously unspeculated upon gender.
I gave a loud laugh as I realized the foolishness of this fantasy that we all, individually, and collectively harbor.
When a "crazy" individual talks about floating in space, space travel, future worlds and alien cultures, there is nothing about that vision that we find any basis or justifications for, other than the understanding that this sick, narcissistic, delusional, manic, regressive, inattentive-to-reality individual is insane and attempting to avoid the harsh realities of both their previous life traumas, as well as current life challenges of finding meaningful work, fulfilling relationships and opportunities for self expression and self-actualization... however, when a so-called science writer, scientist, futurist, or genius talks of essentially the same fantasy, in an admittedly more organized fashion, we marvel at the sheer beauty, wonder and also, unavailability of the some day, coming-to-fruition, of this perfected vision. It's as if through the seemingly inexhaustible mental prowess of such individuals, we are snatching reality glimpses of the future of mankind.
If indeed, individuals truly believe such visions, it makes sense why the rich, super-rich, obscenely-rich and incomprehensibly rich individuals seemingly have no satiation point in their desire to accumulate yet, even more riches. I have known for some time, that if even on an unconscious level, think that they will be able to purchase entree on board a vehicle that will transport them to the aforementioned Mediterranean sojourns (when that crucial moment comes and the apocalypse reaches all corners of the earth, and pandemonium, mayhem, chaos and social disturbances reel, peel and rock the entirety of earth, such that it no longer becomes habitable, and all resources are exhausted, and the previously fertile soils of mother earth are as dry and barren as an octogenarians womb and bosom... and they will simply go ) where they will be able to take their riches (which by then, they would have been able to somehow been able to exchange their vast wealth into some form of universally acknowledged credits, or token that will be easily and immediately recognizable by all alien cultures as a sign and symbol of not only their vast wealth, but also, be the basis for their being granted inexhaustible credits upon within their alien culture) and live happily among such peoples until they get the itch to pack up and move to the next world and sample new delicacies, deepen their cosmic knowledge and pleasure themselves with new types of alien sluts and forms of sexual release.
I could go on and on, but rather than to drag you through a Dan-brown-esque 500 or 600 page thriller before bottling the air, let me say:
1. this is the only planet, humanity will ever have, forever and ever.
2. only a fool, would leave the womb of earth, for a man made craft to seal their fate as a lonely, planetless, delusional idiot.
3. the perfection of mother earth to provide for all of our needs, is not, sadly, inexhaustible.
the only Epiphany I have when I thin of future travel, is that there is no planet, no world, no individual, that i would want to go, know or be with, that was not from mother earth.
when you look at our society, and even the most urban, technological environment, you must (or at least should) marvel that mother earth, not only was able to sustain life for the simplest of organism, or even the earliest form of human, or even humanity 500 years ago, but that she has been able to also provide the materials, environment, and safety that has allowed us to reach the point of culture and diversity that we enjoy today. Indeed, the problem with the Mediterranean type alien sojourns isn't that other planets don't exist, nor that the earth can not provide all of the materials necessary to construct the type of craft that we would need. no. the problem is that we do not live long enough, the distances are too vast and even if life and distance were not factors, there is no place we would, could, or should ever want to be, than here, on earth, with our people.
Our love affair as beings for earth, is a story billions of years in the making. Which brings me to the final and most important realization about this whole thing.
We are still within the Earths womb. We are the earths children. We have been developing for millions of years, and we will continue to develop. And we are not through. But, we are at a point, where the only thing we are about to achieve with our delusional passion for advancement, is the aborting of the human species.
It's as if the fetus, is eating it's own placenta, ensuring it's own doom, prior to birth and an existence within a new form of reality, that it can be ready for, if it can only sustain it's developmental process.
Or you can think of it, as if the fetus, has expelled itself at 5 months gestation, refused the mother's nipple, and decided that it knows enough to strike out on it's own.
If we leave this planet, (the handful of people that is that could at most execute such a journey), we are ensuring our doom, to an even higher degree, than if a 5 month old fetus left the womb. At least for the 5 month old, it could be rescued and nursed back to health. No such relief exists in the vastness of space. Get over it.
And this brings me to the final point, or the epilogue. Hollywood is real.
I also realized that if space travel is a fantasy, an unreality, a joke, then Hollywood must be real. Meaning, the point isn't that we travel the universe, rather, that we have the ability to execute our imaginations. Hollywood allows this. We can be moved, inspired, fulfilled and nurtured within our own yearnings by watching the greatest possible imaginings realized on the silver screen.
We will never travel the vastness of space. Only the vastness of our own "inner" space. and if we can use that inner knowledge, to execute a better reality on earth, by making the crucial realizations, then we may be able to stay in our vital clutch and loving embrace, of mother Earth.
Isn't it a bit odd, that we pray to a God that we can not see, feel, that does not sustain, or provide for us, while we trash the Earth, the only true God or Goddess, that has provided for every possible element of our existence, and constitution?
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