Is there any totally fucked up thing that's happened in the last 50 years that HASN'T involved the CIA?
Did you know that Cinque, the head of the Symbionese Liberation Army, was experimented on in prison by the CIA mind control program? He was kept in solitary confinement, harrassed, tortured and fed several hallucinogens, to see if he and other inmates could be turned into "Robots" ala, "The Manchurian Candidate".
It's interesting how there is a connection between the CIA, Cinque, Ryan, Patty Hearst and Jim Jones.
First, the CIA ran well documented, illegal mind control experiments on prisoners, exposing them to hallucinogens, while isolating them and harrasing them with the goal of them becoming pliant and docile and thus, more readily available to do what they are told.
Cinque was exposed to this treatment, and, as legend has it, this experience gave him the idea to take a rich person hostage, expose them to the same process and extract a ton of money from their wealthy parents, while also brain washing them to do their bidding... fascinating! Cinque died in a shoot out, but if he were alive moments after they'd snatched Patty Hearts off of the streets, I'm sure he would have cabled a thank you note to the CIA. Certainly his idea had all the ring and tell tale signs of a psychotic drug fueled delusion and self-enrichment eppiffany.
Ironically, Congressman Ryan is the one who petitioned the government to commute Patty Hearst's sentence for time served shortly after she was convicted of bank robbery.
it was Patty's misfortune to be caught up with a 70's era revolutionary group that had a black man as a leader. Had she, for instance been a member of the Weather Underground, there's no doubt, she would have walked. But after having contributed to the chaotic free grocery give aways in Oakland and the Bayview, she had essentially done the unforgiveable by rubbing Uncle Sam's nose in his own excrement.
Leo Ryan was one of those White Boys that really knew how to enjoy the limits of White Priviledge. He also had a flair for the dramatic and seemingly felt invioable as he went about his business uprooting corruption and injustice. he went undercover as an inmate at Folsom Prison for a week (ala Robert Redford's 'Brubaker) and also exposed the U.S.'s secret war in Angola.. a disclosure that caused repercussions that are still felt today (by those that remember the disclosure and are able to make the parallell between the secret war in Angola and the current illegal, unjustified and deceitful occupation of Afganistan and Iraq).
Some say that Congressman Ryan got too big for his britches. Certainly passing a law that required the CIA to notify 12 Congressional committees every time they got ready to do a undercover operation certainly didn't endear him to the power structure that had worked so hard to not only secure, but protect the freedoms of Whites, at the same time they faithfully fulfilled their double-task of denying those same freedoms to Blacks. Yes, Ryan's interest in "justice" was simply bad etiquette. Apparently he didn't know that when you hand the running of the plantation to the overseer, it was bad form to observe and grade their human rights adherence.
And so, it seems that when Ryan made his ill-fated trip to Jonestown, it was potentially too great of an opportunity for the CIA to resist, to not make sure that while the 909 mostly Black folks drank the kool aid, Ryan's body was riddled with 12 bullets... (the same number pumped into an un-armed Bobby Hutton by a contingent of 50 Oakland Police officers... but that's another story).
It seems that the CIA had compiled nearly 40,000 documents on the people's temple that were only released in 1997 following the Scientology's Freedom Magazine. CIA agents Philip Dwyer and George Philip Blakely were at Jonestown at the time of the slaughter passed off as suicide. Massive quantities of mind altering drugs were found after the slaughter (sound familiar) and even folks who were involved in Jones' inner circle were amazed at how many guns magically appeared once the punch bowl was brought out. In fact, many of those who are counted among the Guiness Book of World Record mass suicide record, were actually shot in the back by either bullets of syringes of cyanice... in the last 1,000 years of existence, from Middle Easter Arquebusiers up until November 18, 1978, the the number of suicides by self-inflicted gunshot to the middle of ones own back stood at zero.. Miraculously, a few dozen folks at Jonestown, listed as suicides had accomplished this feat, within miniutes of each other, while the kool aid was still cold.
It may be a coincidence that two of the 8 survivors on site at Jonestown, were CIA operatives... one has to wonder if perhaps one of them was on the flatbed truck that gunned down Ryan and pumped a bullet into 103lb. future California State Representative Jackie Spier as she lay prone on the runway playing dead.
Despite the fact that the Scientologist are the main ones putting this story out, the evidence was sufficiently convincing for the 5 grown children of Ryan to file a multi-million dollar wrongful death suit against the U.S. Government for complicity in their fathers death.
Enjoy! I've included some juicy excerpts from the article below:
On Cinque, Ryan, Mind Control and Ryan's penchant for spilling government secrets:
In 1977 and 1978, Ryan pressured the agency to reveal the extent of its involvement in psychiatric “mind-control” experiments. Among the tests he pushed to expose were those performed in the early 1970s on inmates at a state hospital in Vacaville, California, which may have included among their subjects Donald DeFreeze, known as “Cinque,” a central figure in the 1974 kidnapping of Patricia Hearst.
In October 1978, a month before Jonestown, investigative reporter Jack Anderson published a syndicated column entitled “CIA May Have Inspired Cinque,” based on information that most likely had been leaked by Ryan or someone in his committee. The column detailed statements from one Clifford Jefferson, who claimed to have known DeFreeze while they were incarcerated together and to have participated in psychiatric experiments with various drugs, including mescaline, Quaalude and Artane. According to Jefferson, “DeFreeze stated that he had gone through the same tests and also knew of stress tests that were given to prisoners in which they were kept in solitary, harassed and annoyed until they would do anything asked of them to get out; then they were given these drugs and would become like robots.
“He [DeFreeze] said that when he got out, he would get a revolutionary group to kidnap some rich person. They would hold that person tied up in a dark place, keep him frightened and in fear of his life, then give him mescaline and other drugs, and the person would become a robot and do anything he was asked to do—including killing others. Although DeFreeze died in a 1974 shootout with Los Angeles police, CIA documents have since confirmed the agency did perform drug tests on inmates at Vacaville under its MK-Ultra program.
On the CIA and FBI's surveillance of the People's Temple, and infiltration by agents, as well as the U.S. Governements seemingly foreknowledge of an imminent Jonestown Suicide (It would be hard for the government to not know about the imminent mass "suicide" seeing as Jones had made a habit for the previous year and a half to continually discuss suicide, and to even stage multiple practices, complete with kool-aid):
Read On:
In March 1997, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced that it would release for the first time nearly 39,000 additional pages of documents concerning Jonestown, the Peoples Temple and related matters under the Freedom of Information Act. As these documents become available and are examined, new revelations concerning the mass deaths at Jonestown in 1978 and the killing of Congressman Ryan continue to mount. The documents include 8,603 pages from the FBI’s investigative file and an additional 30,229 pages. The bureau made the papers available based on a 1993 FOIA request filed by Freedom.
And they show that while the church underwent a long period of harassment, surveillance and infiltration at the hands of government intelligence agents, these intensified once the group, founded in Indiana, relocated to San Francisco, and particularly after its headquarters moved to Guyana.
Indeed, in 1977 and 1978 came anonymous threats against the Peoples Temple, accompanied by random acts of violence against group members. It was in late 1977 that heavy pressure began on Ryan to visit Jonestown—pressure which built to a crescendo shortly before he agreed to go. Those pushing him to take action against “cults” included psychologist Margaret Singer, while others, among them Tim Stoen, a former member and top aide to Jim Jones with alleged ties to the CIA, pressured Ryan to visit Jonestown.
U.S. Air Force Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, who worked closely in key positions with the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff for many years, told Freedom that Leo Ryan had moved in too close to certain skeletons that could never be safely disturbed. A relentless and uncompromising investigator, nothing could stop Ryan—short of violence. But how could such a high-profile personality be eliminated without bringing down upon the perpetrators an investigation to end all investigations?
A very real possibility is that by making the assassination part of an even larger catastrophe, the central drama itself—that of a courageous individual blocked from probing reports of illegal, unconstitutional, government-sponsored psychiatric “mind-control” activities—was obscured.
Colonel Prouty noted evidence of the involvement of a larger force in the operation: “The Joint Chiefs of Staff had prepared air shipments of hundreds of body bags. They didn’t normally keep that many in any one place. Within hours, they began to shuttle them down to Georgetown, the main city. They couldn’t possibly have done that without prior knowledge that it was going to happen. It shows that there was prior planning.”
At Jonestown, he said, the JCS provided the body bags, the airlift and all the rest on a timetable that shows advance knowledge. “The JCS wouldn’t have moved at all on their own,” he said. “They didn’t give a damn about Jonestown.” These and other unusual events, he noted, “are the kinds of earmarks that define the hand of American intelligence.”
On the Ryan family's lawsuit against the government and possible government complicity in providing mind-altering drugs to Jim Jones:
More than 20 months after Leo Ryan was killed, his five adult children—two sons and three daughters—filed a lawsuit based on extensive investigation into what had precipitated their father’s death. Filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California on July 31, 1980, the suit asked for general damages of $3 million, plus costs for Congressman Ryan’s funeral and bringing the action. The lawsuit charged that “the Jonestown Colony was infiltrated with agent(s) of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States. “[That] the name of one said agent was (George) Phillip Blakey, a trusted aide of Peoples Temple leader James Warren Jones.
“[T]hat said agents were working with the Department of State and the Central Intelligence Agency to use the Jonestown Colony as part of the Central Intelligence Agency’s MK Ultra program. “[T]hat massive quantities of mind-control drugs were found at the Jonestown colony after the fatal incident of November 18, 1978.” Phillip Blakey had traveled to Guyana to select the site for Jonestown and to begin clearing land. He was one of the few survivors of the mass killing.
The lawsuit furthermore charged that Richard Dwyer doubled as an agent of the Central Intelligence Agency and that Dwyer “arranged for the transportation of decedent [Ryan] and his party once in Guyana; briefed decedent and his party on the events and conditions at Jonestown upon their arrival; and escorted decedent and his party to Jonestown in November 1978.”
It alleged that Dwyer “as an agent and employee of the Central Intelligence Agency ... negligently, maliciously and intentionally withheld crucial information about the Jonestown Colony which would have prevented harm to decedent.” It further charged that Dwyer “knowingly, intentionally and maliciously led [Ryan] into a trap at the Port Kaituma Air Strip, which cost decedent his life.” The Ryans’ lawsuit was dismissed for reasons that have to date never been fully disclosed.
Very interesting. It's interesting how the over-involvement of the CIA in virtually every massacre or tragedy, seems to only help support them when they say make their argument that every conspiracy theorist tries to tie them to everything... Of course, the other explanation is that they are actually involved.
One last thing, seeing as the folks who died were forced to drink the koolaid by armed guards, or shot in their backs as they attempted to escape, or injected with cyanide in their backs, why do they refer to it as a mass suicide? Probably because if it's seen as a slaughter, then folks have to dig deeper. Any investigator knows that if the cause of death is determined to be a suicide, then it's a much easier case to close.
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