We are in the age of the wizard...
not the age of the shaman...
there was once an alliance, a bond, until the wizard deceived the shaman, toppled him, seized the reigns of power and cast the shamans people into abject slavery.
The wizards and their spells, and their potions and their alchemy now hold full sway over earth.
chemistry, biology, physics, metallurgy, reproductive science, pharmacology, law, philosophy, agriculture... these are the perfected arts of the white man's wizardry.
through the use of their craft, they have been able to steal every inch of the earth, devise potions to change our very thought, create new creatures, plants, metals, fly to other planets and manipulate dna, the most hallowed possession of life itself.
but more importantly to humanity, they have been able to throw off the entire worlds non-white populace and doom it to dwell eternally in a state somewhere between purgatory and hell.
every craft they have mastered, has been bent upon their own tasks... they themselves control access to their schools of wizardry. one must study, believe in, and demonstrate a lust and reverence and specificity in purpose -an oath of allegiance to their craft- to gain admittance to their higher educational system.
meanwhile, the slaves, the serfs, the lowest class are doomed to dwell eternally in the muck and mire and effluvience that no longer is useful to their purpose.
"perilous to us all are the device of an art deeper than we possess ourselves."
Is it not true that the cutting edge of their science the very definition of that which we do not understand? does that lack of understanding not define the further direction of their quest? and yet, when we (people of color) choose to follow their road and path, and learn to wield and manipulate their tools and crafts to the detriment of ourselves and our fellow man, can we truly blame them? Or should we not rightfully blame ourselves? do we not have a responsibility to understand and delve into our craft, our humanity, which we have a birthright to, to understand ourselves and to possess our very selves to stem the tide of the wizards trickery and spell?
the wizard must be slain, his schools destroyed, his science burned and cast into an abyss never to arise again.
the unfulfilled promise of their art is that it will bring us peace, understanding and restore balance, and yet with every spell, we are brought one step closer to our doom. if a little bit is bad, then more must be better?
it has been said, in every tale of lore, that one day, the evil one will be toppled and the people made free again.
the promise will be fulfilled, must be fulfilled, if for no other reason, than all things being possible, the day of reckoning is but an eventuality. a promise that must be, and will be fulfilled.
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