Monday, January 26, 2009

Black History Timeline "By Faith"

1526 first north american slave revolt
1527 first muslim in north america
1619 first africans in english colonies
1641 slavery legalized
1701 drive to convert slaves
1738 black catholic community established
1740 great awakening begins
1750's rise of black congregations
1750 slavery legal in all colonies
1758 african baptist church founded
1773-75 silver bluff baptists
1773 phillis wheatley publishes poems
1775 american revolution begins
1775 first american antislavery society formed
1776 declaration of independence signed
1784 methodist denounce slavery
1787 free african society founded
1793 cotton gin invented
1800 second great awakening
1804 haitian independence declared
1816 a.m.e. church founded
1821 black emigration to liberia begins
'22 denmark vesey's revolt
'29 first black catholic nun community
1831 nat turner's rebellion
'34 henry mcneal turner born
'38 presbyterian church splits over slavery
'39 catholic church opposes slavery
1844 methodist church splits over slavery
1846 frederick douglass' narrative published
'48 baptists split over slavery
1850 sojourner truth's narrative published
1861 civil war begins
'63 emancipation proclamation issued
'66-9 14th, 15th amendments passed
'69-77 african americans in congress
'67 black churches become schoolhouses
1870 c.m.e. founded
1970 slavery spirituals popularized
1875 first black catholic bishop
'96 "separate but equal"
'95 national baptist convention formed
'97 elijah muhammad born
1900-30 the great northern migration
'06 american pentecostal movement
1909-11 naacp and urban league founded
'15-20 ku klux klan gains followers
'17 workd war 1
1930 golden age of gospel
1930 rise of the nation of islam
'37 gandhi's teachings introduced
'41 world war 2
'54 an urban people
'54 brown v. board of education
1955 montgomery bus boycott
'57 sclc founded
'58 discrimination persists
'59 shango temple founded
1960 sncc founded
1960 noi membership grows to 100k
'63 birmingham church bombing
1963 i have a dream
'53 civil rights act
1965 voting rights act
'65 malcolm x assassinated
'66 martin luther king takes stand against vietnam war
'66 black panthers formed
1967 kwanzaa created
'68 non-violence under attack; a war on racism; mlk jr. assassinated
'69 black theology and black power; national black sisters' conference; the black manifesto
1970 yoruba village founded
'75 new nation of islam leadership
1977 alex haley's roots
'78 congress of national black churches formed
'84 rev. jesse jackson runs for president
'93 thomas dorsey dies; vatican apology
'95 million man march
1998 interfaith pilgrimage

Friday, January 23, 2009


1. what would the world look like if waves were only waves (not particles) and particles only particles (not waves)?
the truth is that the whole defniition of wave and particle is in itself an inaccurate description of a phenomenon/entity. we must will ourselves to a new conception which encorporates both and explains the discrepancy. it will be an einsteinian deductive approach that will always catapult us further, becuase it is imagination, not fact that reaches into possibility. we can only measure that which was are able to measure, which is that which we can undersatnd. we can not measure the sum of our imaginations.

2. if there is a collapse which can show us where the particle is, whereas before, it was only a statistical possibility, then how do we know that what we see when we force it to collapse, is nothing more than the collapsed possibility, rather than the thing itself? i was thinking this and i heard that they had shown a particle taht was in two places at the same time. there is an energy, it is most likely to be somewhere. so it will be there, it has to be there. so when we "find" it, have we actually found it? or merely confirmed that it was there? (which we already knew). meaning, if could be represented somewhere, where it actually is not.

3. quantum tunneling, shows the importance of wave/particle so-called "duality". in that without quantum tunneling, there would be no fusion from the sun. yet, it should not really be allowed. so, it is not a particle that acts as a wave at times, it is at all times, both, and fully capable as both,

4. i have had a vision in my mind that ti is not the paticle, or atom that exists through space/time. there is a rippe and as it so-called "moves" a series of micro-possibilities come into/out of existence so it appears to be an entity, when in fact it is not. the space where the possibility is manifested has an energy density of virtual zero, as a virtual particle, and this is the dark matter of our universe, in that there is no "space" that exist without this possibility and ability to manifest even infinite denisites in space/time.

The EPR Paradox:

1. Create a pair of identical particles (call them A and B) in such a way that their spins in the up/down direction point in opposite directions. This physical state is represented as A↑ B↓ + A↓ B↑, where the spin-arrows ↑ and ↓ are used to denote the direction of spin. Because the particles are identical, both ways of assigning spin to the particles (i.e. A↑ B↓ and A↓ B↑) are equally valid, and both possibilities actually and simultaneously occur in practice, so the real physical situation is correctly represented as the sum A↑ B↓ + A↓ B↑, rather than only one or other of the pieces A↑ B↓ and A↓ B↑.
Pull the particles apart until they are separated by an enormous distance, but make sure that you don't mess up their spin directions whilst separating them. You could represent this physical state as A↑ ••• B↓ + A↓ ••• B↑, where the ••• indicate the physical separation between A and B.
2. Introduce two observers U and V who are tasked with observing A and observing B, respectively. The real physical situation is now represented as U (A↑ ••• B↓ + A↓ ••• B↑) V, where I have placed U at the left and V at the right to indicate where they are located (i.e. near to A and near to B, respectively).
3. The two observers U and V now observe A and B to see what their spins are. The word "observe" here means that an observer interacts with a particle, in such a way that the state of their brain becomes correlated with the state of the particle (this will become clearer below). There are two possible outcomes of this experiment. The brains of U and V become correlated with A↑ ••• B↓ to create the state U↑ A↑ ••• B↓ V↓, or become correlated with A↓ ••• B↑ to create the state U↓ A↓ ••• B↑ V↑ (a spin-arrow ↑ or ↓ written next to U or V means that the observer's brain has observed the corresponding spin). The real physical situation is the sum of these two, which is U↑ A↑ ••• B↓ V↓ + U↓ A↓ ••• B↑ V↑.
4. The net effect of the observation above is to transform the state from U (A↑ ••• B↓ + A↓ ••• B↑) V to U↑ A↑ ••• B↓ V↓ + U↓ A↓ ••• B↑ V↑. The process that leads to this transformation is defined in detail by the dynamical equations of QM. Any other conjectured transformation must bring in assumptions from outside the dynamical equations of QM.
These results show that either (U observes A↑ and V observes B↓) or (U observes A↓ and V observes B↑), which means that what U observes and what V observes are deterministically associated with each other. Even though the particles are separated by an enormous distance when they are observed, they nevertheless produce observations in which A↑ is associated with B↓, and A↓ is associated with B↑.
5. This is the bit that Einstein said was "spooky action at a distance" because he maintained a distinction between the particles being observed, and the observers themselves. He would not accept that the observers were also a part of the whole QM state, so he never accepted that U↑ A↑ ••• B↓ V↓ + U↓ A↓ ••• B↑ V↑ described a real physical situation. His view was (in a QM style of notation) that the real physical situation was described by (U↑ A↑ or U↓ A↓) and (B↑ V↑ or B↓ V↓), where (X or Y) allows only one of X or Y to occur (this is actually an exclusive-or), and (X and Y) requires that both of X and Y occur. This prescription (i.e. figmant of Einstein's imagination, if you want) is an example of a conjecture that is brought in from outside QM, as described in step 5 above.
6. Thus Einstein thought that the outcome of observing A was a random result that was either A↑ or A↓, and similarly the outcome of observing B was an independent random result that was either B↑ or B↓. He therefore thought that there was no reason why the results for A and B should be correlated with each other, provided that A and B were so far apart that there was no possibility of some other means of communication between them that might cause the results of the observations to be correlated.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama.... O-BA-MA

Hey, so it was nice to watch the tvone's coverage of the inauguration. sure, it was low budget, but it was also BLACK. There was no telling what the commentators were going to say.. and that's because the Black perspective is so repressed, that you just don't know what the current state of Black science will be.

One interesting thing I heard on the broadcast was when they were contrasting the "founding father's" with the Bush administrations actions.

One of the commentators talked about how when the Declaration of Independence was written, the United States was a revolutionary nation. At war with the most powerful nation on Earth, fighting for their very existence and, as it turned out, future world supremacy.

But what did the founding fathers do? what did they write? did they restrict the rights of it's citizenry? No, in the years preceeding the revolution, the years of the revolution and the constitution, they forged a document which has endured to this very day. They stressed the equality of men, the right to pursue happiness, the right to free speech, to bear arms, freedom from a peace time standing army (fascism, military state, repression), from unusual punishments, unnecessary taxation and due process (fines or forfeitures without trial).

And what did we get? we got the world's first and most enduring democracy.

Surely it's a bit more easy to understand the necessity of a "Smithian" free market, with Darwinian natural selection of those that are most strong an prepared... this evil/necessity is the reason for our current prosperity.. but the larger point is that in the Bush years, in the Bush response to the threat of global terrorism, they circumvented, attacked, degraded and cut the very heart out of the bill of rights, virtually on every front.

Two different times, two different threats, two different responses.

One, responded to the threat, by turning to the people, empowering the people and giving the power for the nascent nation to govern, police and endure, to the very same people who had come to this land, toiled on the land and recently defeated the enemy.

At certain times, and frequently, this nation has turned against future generations of migrants and those that were already here.

The tribes and nations of the original inhabitants, Blacks, Chinese, Latinos', Cubans, Koreans, Vietnamese, Iranians, Iraqians, Somalians.... .. each have been at different times seen as the enemy, in stark contrast with those who were of the revolution.

Obama, stands in stark contrast to the policies of Bush (uh, in case you didn't get the memo).
His philosophy is that of the forefathers. Bush.. a legacy of fear, ignorance, ineptitude, pretentiousness and superficiality.

Kudo's to Soledad O'Brien for her copious recitation of Black history factoids.

We are in a new age where to know that which is Black, to understand that which is Black, to be able to speak upon that which is Black, has become the new lingua franca of the United States America.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

BARACK OBAMA DAY.. Another Panther Victory.

It's interesting. The last post was on November 29th. Pretty much the day of the
Bobby Hutton Memorial. It was an incredible experience to see old skool, OG panthers, including Emory Douglas, Billy X and some cats from Philly and the east coast all mixed in with the next generation of socially conscious individuals.

What is it about artist that makes them so cool? Just the idea that someone has heard the call to art. to creation, to self expression and made that the center of their existence is pretty much the coolest thing someone can do.

Some folks can find this fulfillment in their profession, or their personal lives. You can count those folks as lucky, due to the simple fact that the average part time worker at Micky D's makes more than 99.9999% of artist in this country.

In any event, the struggle to survive as an artist is the struggle to sustain oneself on the sustenance of ones work and life, rather than ablity to live on their work.

And then, these same folks are the first, and ALWAYS the first to step forward when a social issue comes forth.

One can just look at the enormous amount of art produced during the Obama campaign as a litmus test of the enormity of the fundamental humanist ideas and feelings that were aroused... and hopefully it is also an indication of what the actual experience of an Obama campaign will bring.

And then.. AND THEN, Oscar Grant... to summarize, too many Black men have been gunned down and killed. Too many times they've been let go. But to have someone stand above another black man, on a transportation platform, with the new year a few hours old, in plain view of hundreds of individuals, cuffed, on his face, knee on his neck, video and photographs being taken, absolutely on threat to anyone or anything... and to be shot in his back and killed, slaughtered, executed.. with no context, no personal back story, no history, no event that was being reacted too... TRAVESTY!

In truth, the backstory is assumed. it is the story of slavery, inhumanity, injustice, institutional racism, disrespect, hatred, fear, brutality and the tradition of complete and utter disregard... sadly, that is the backstory.

Enough. I don't condone wanton violence, and neither does anyone else who has participated in the marches and/or is disgusted with this execution.

But let's not forget. Martin Luther King, delivered his "I have a dream" speech and within a generation, we have a Black President who will be sworn in the day after the national MLK Holiday. The NAACP was started 100 years ago (next month) in response to a race riot in Springfield, Illinois... Where Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama had their political base. August 28th, the day Obama accepted the Democratic Nomination, was the anniversary of the "I have a dream" speech.

Let's celebrate, knowing that we have a Black President, not in an era where Black Presidents are a far gone conclusion, rather, we have a Black President, at a time when Black men of similar background and age, are being gunned down in cold blood, cuffed, subjugated, face down in front of hundreds.

We still have a great deal of work to do, even after Obama takes his Presidential oath to defend a constitution that defines a Black man as 3/5ths of a human being.

This nation DESERVES to have a racist, prejudice, inhumane document as the basis of this countries existence. This is the price the forefathers have to pay. It is the price we all have to pay. It is the stain and indelible, un-eraseable mark upon this country that will hopefully serve to make this nation incapable of forgetting his past, and of forgetting it's obligation to always stay vigilant to continually erase the mark of injustice from this nation.